我们过多的谈论工具,谈论方法而忽视了最主要的东西:意识!我们谈ERP,谈 TPS,不是说说上了SAP或者甲骨文这样的软件就实现了ERP,运用了看板,建制了有那么点象的U形线就实现了精益。很多时候我们忽略了表象背后的真谛,毕竟一种经营模式并非一些管理工具而已。依然是那举话意识、思路远胜于方法!通过数年自己的体会和借鉴日本学者的著述特写下以下文字-------- ----------裴夏2、kaizen415398315?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?415398315
了解日本管理的朋友都知道一个词“KAIZEN”。在我的意识中它和“there is always a better way!”秉承同样的理念。然后在实际中我们却发现对于它的贯彻方式却迥异于日本企业。我不知道大多数公司在推进LEAN的时候是否用到value stream map。在我的经历中大家常常纠缠于对某项活动是否增值而争论不休。怀着对改善及其“严谨”的态度提出一个又一个地方案,进行论证再论证,分析再分析,试图寻求一个终极解决之道。有意思的是欧美企业在学习精益中也存在同样的情况。因此有人提醒:“If your kaizen events and process mapping exercises are resulting in "proposals", rather than immediate action, your company has missed the point of lean manufacturing. At the very least, you don't have the right people committed to the lean effort.”1881191063?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1881191063
我一直在思考这样一个问题:KAIZEN真正在日本管理中蕴涵着如何地真意呢?让我们先听听日本精益专家的观点:“Yazuro, Yaruzo, Yaruzo! Yattemitekara Kangaero!"翻译为英语就是:“I do, I do, I do now! I do first and think later!”,这一看起来彷佛失去了工业工程所寻求的着眼系统,运筹帷幄的整体思维形态。我们一贯都尝试希望看到整体,看到最终的结果,为了谨慎起见不惜花大量的时间使用仿真或者其他的方法工具来让大家了解改善结果会对整体产生何样的影响。为什么?我们的借口是避免产生“精益的孤岛”!丰田的精益人曾经说过精益生产方式实际就是工业工程在日本的应用和发展。那么难道这是一个悖论?352464779?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?352464779
重新回到KAIZEN,先看看日本的精益人提供的KAIZEN思路:假定一个产品卖价为100元,公司利润目标为50%,目前水平达不到,怎么办?要尽力想办法达到,这就是KAIZEN的出发点。KAIZEN首先应找到妨碍目标实现的要因,分析各种要因的影响程度,把影响程度最大的要因作为最先需要解决的,这是改善优先顺序选择的标准。我们更多的了解到的是影响我们的目标的是著名的魔鬼“7大浪费”,不同的是我们尝试去辨别哪些是浪费,哪些不是浪费,而他们却已经在自己的意识中没有增值和不增值的概念,他们常识的去改善所有的活动,即使是增值的活动。表面看起来我们仅仅差了那么一点点,因为我们在尝试辨别浪费并消除它。但这也许就是与卓越运营差那么一点点的原因?举个简单的例子,大家都知道对于一个企业LEAD TIME是非常重要的,大家都知道理论上来说,批量降低一半,LEADTIME缩短一半(不考虑换线时间),所以大家不要觉得LEAD TIME缩短是很难的事情。我们还在摇头说这很难的时候,还在用大篇的报告数据去论证风险的时候,日本企业已经在开始动手了!如果我们要KAIZEN,那么我想我们必须屏弃掉“不求有功,但求无过”的劣根。1663782934?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1663782934
重新审视一下KAIZEN的过程,或许KAIZEN就是一种保持和变化的哲学?保持体现在组织努力使其中的每个人都按照标准的流程来工作,而变化则是对现有的标准进行完善,改进和提高。工业工程沿袭着流程化,合理化,简单化,标准化的循环不也阐述着同一个古老的传说?突然顿悟,其实连续的,不间断的朝一个方向改善本身就是寻求一个整体完善,只是犹如对爱的表达一样,有些人含蓄,有些人直白。到底是KAIZEN适合你还是BPR适合你呢?根据自己的情况吧。而最重要的是立即行动“just do it,think it later!”.2137775841?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?2137775841
KAlZEN “持续改善”的策略是日本管理部门中最重要的理念,1557563508?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1557563508
KAlZEN是日本人竞争成功的关键,KAlZEN 意味着改进,720649073?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?720649073
KAIZEN 意味着涉及每一个人、每一环节等的连续不断的改进:2007765301?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?2007765301
3、任何一个工作过程开始的时候都是不稳定的,必须要先将这种变化的过程稳定下来{SDCA循环[standardization (标准化)—do—check—adapt(调整)]},然后才可以引入PDCA循环。1459843198?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1459843198
4、如果发生问题,首先去现场 检查发生问题的对象939738241?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?939738241
立刻采取暂时性的措施 问上五次“为什么?”寻找找问题产生的真正原因1844765992?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1844765992
5、丢掉对工艺原有的僵化的看法 考虑怎样可以做事情,而不是找出不做的理由464282464?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?464282464
不找借口,对现有方法质疑 不要追求完美,马上付诸实施,尽管只达到约定目标的5%2090270899?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?2090270899
不要对KAIZEN活动花钱(花钱解决问题谁都会!NO MONEY!) 510893717?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?510893717
KAIZEN的可能性是无穷无尽的 集合大家的意见而不仅仅是个别人的主意2129480484?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?2129480484
6、 Fundamental to lean is immediate action - not engineering analysis and management approval.1623742744?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1623742744
7、 For those of us who were aware of what Lean concepts and tools can do it means "if you see any kind of waste, try to get rid of it quickly". Do not spend too much time thinking of it. Just do it and think quickly. With this first try, you are going to be able see the next kaizen step. The reasoning is the same as when any of us using a Value Stream Mapping tool. As we draw the current state, many ideas of improvements for the future state start to come up. The more you do kaizen, the more you see.936243355?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?936243355
8、 Here’s my advice to all lean practitioners who struggle with determining value… get over it! It is not critical to determine whether one step or another is value added or not because they all should be targeted for improvement regardless of designation. The important part is to fully understand all the steps, processes involved and bottlenecks so focused improvements can be made. I’m not saying to disregard the value vs. non-value added conversations altogether but instead coach your team to see all potential improvements whether deemed VA or NVA by stakeholders.1725955191?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1725955191
9、 I worked for Toyota for 10 years holding various positions from Operator to Group Leader and was never told/asked to determine whether a task was VA or NVA. Instead, we we’re asked to always look at “all tasks” to determine what could be improved using the goals of reducing waste (Muda), reducing difficulty (Muri) and reducing variability (Mura) in “everything we do” (and this includes tasks that are perceived to be VA). By doing this, we will make jobs safer/easier (less ergonomic burden), reduce cost (less time/labour required) improve quality (improved customer satisfaction as well as further cost reductions associated with reduced scrap/rework).2144528251?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?2144528251
10、 Instead of designating VA and NVA in your value streams, use "time" and "Wait-time" and then go after improvements (Muda/Muri/Mura)in ALL steps to reduce overall lead-time...you will be much more successful engaging employees in making improvements if you stay away from the VA/NVA designations.774239770?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?774239770
11、 as a matter of fact I would 'just do it', then 'just do it again to make it work better', then just do it again, and again, and again,... That's why they call it "continuous improvement", rather than "one time improvement". Over-analysis and not making a move until you are sure everything is perfect is the philosophy that has killed American manufacturing in the face of lean competition. There is a reason why Shingo advocated having all machines portable. The best process configuration today is only one schedule change, one product configuration change, or one good employee idea away from needing to be overhauled. One of those events is likely to happen tomorrow. But if you think that Lean Manufacturing is best implemented by having engineers perform detailed analyses to keep the employees working in the process from screwing things up, if business should be so afraid of risk that the people in the process cannot be trusted, have at it. It has been my experience that lean failure does not result from viewing lean in theological terms so much as it does from trying to hang onto outdated management practices like the one you guys are advocating. I would not waste my time, if I were you, trying to sell this approach to Toyota.1881392610?6sigma品质网www.6sq.net版权所有?1881392610