
Supplier visit this week

As an IQC engineer that belongs to SQA team, I get a chance to visit our two suppliers which located in Xiamen,a famous coastal city.The purpose of this vist is not a quality audit but to learn the manufacturing process of components. 
But the fact is, suppliers treat us as auditors and they have reservations on their process.A disappointing trip.
We spared some time to the seashore and Xiamen University. Bright and clean style.Honestly speaking,the city did not leave me a deep impression.The air is not so clear as imagine.
I tasted the local food called seaworm gel. It looked disgusting, but tasted flavorless.It was OK to me.
As a guy passed CET-6 when I was a sophomore, above words looks terrible. :(
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  • 发布时间: 2017-04-28 23:08
  • 浏览: 3410
  • 评论: 2
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