
Some thoughts about Quality

However only 2 years experience in quality, some famous companies have passed, I have saw many different operating ways in production and quality.
Each company has its own mode, even both were running in the same famous ethic, in the exact details and the managers' thoughts, both must have their significant differences. Quality is the most important factor for the products, and surely quality is the most frequently saying words in and out of all the companies. So till to now, it created another question, which has also been the hottest word in the world, implemention, in another words, how to implement the ethic and operating method into all the company, from top to bottom, from managers to operators. After sveral years working, normal knowledge can show the differences between guys, but can't affect working clearly. In these days and most production companies, it reaaly doesn't need too much creation, only need the method to follow the process and better it.
Then another point I want to say is that quality knoeledge is not so important that we need, mostly we need the thinking method. When we meet the problems and if we can keep a clear thinking method and can analyse a clear way to find out the root cause, that is OK. We can success.

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  • 发布时间: 2007-12-14 20:13
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