8D Report Check List ---09
D8 - 激勵團隊和個人的貢獻Recognize the Team and Individual Contributions
1.8 D 報告已經更新并公布﹖The 8D report has been updated and published?
2.是否將8D的狀態通知所有需要知道的人﹐包括客戶﹖All who have a need to know, including the customer, have been informed of the status of this 8D?
3.是否將8D報告及附件儲存于可追溯記錄的檔案系統﹖The 8D report and attachments are retained in the historical file system?
4.所有核心及周邊的團隊成員皆被激勵﹖All core and extended team members are being recognized?
5.是否已確認團隊成員中個人重大貢獻﹖Significant contributions by individual team members have been identified?
6.是否已考慮用不同方式去傳達激勵的訊息﹖Different ways to communicate the recognition message have been considered?
7.是否已考慮獎勵對8D有貢獻的非團隊成員﹖Contributions by non-team members to the 8D have been considered for recognition?
8.是否已評估團隊的工作過程及確認經驗分享﹖Team process has been evaluated and lessons learned identified?
9.8D項目可以結案﹐團隊可解散﹗The 8D project can be closed and the Team disbanded.