
双语:总理接受CNN记者专访 (2)

What lesson have you drawn from the financial crisis? Have you lost faith in Americanmacroeconomic management?The biggest lesson that I have drawn from the financial crisis is that, in managing the affairs of acountry, it's important to pay close attention to addressing the structural problems in the economy.China has achieved enormous progress in its development. Yet I was one of the first to argue that oureconomic development still lacks balance, coordination and sustainability. This financial crisis hasreinforced my view. As far as the U.S. economy is concerned, I have always believed that it is solidlybased. The U.S. has the strength of scientific and technological talent and managerial expertise. Inspite of the twists and turns, the U.S., I believe, will tide over the crisis.被问及是否从此次金融危机中获取经验,是否对美国的宏观经济政策失去信心时。温家宝指出,管理国家应当注重经济结构存在的问题。中国经济发展虽然取得了巨 大成就,但他也看到中国经济发展缺乏平衡、协调和稳定。对于美国经济,温家宝称一直相信其基础扎实,美国有科技、人才和管理经验的优势,虽然会经历波折, 美国仍将度过危机。

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