
双语:总理接受CNN记者专访 (3)

问:I was particularly struck by a speech you gave in Shenzhen in which you said, "Along witheconomic reform, we must keep doing political reform."答:I have summed up my political ideals in the following four sentences: To let everyone lead ahappy life with dignity. To let everyone feel safe and secure. To let the society be one with equalityand justice. And to let everyone have confidence in the future. In spite of the various discussions andviews in the society, and in spite of some resistance, I will act in accordance with these idealsunswervingly and advance, within the realm of my capabilities, political restructuring.扎卡里亚的问题还涉及温家宝今年8月考察深圳时讲话提到的:“不仅要推进经济体制改革,还要推进政治体制改革。”对此温总理总结了他的四点政治愿望:要让每一个中国人活得幸福而有尊严;让人民感到安全有保障;让社会实现公平正义;让每个人对未来有信心。此前扎卡里亚表示,在专访之前,希望能提出任何问题,这个要求得到了满足,而他对此评价是,“这是我所见过听过的和中国领导人最开放和坦率(open and frank)的对话。”

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