
March 29, Saturday, Rain(Regarding the Pyramids’ four elements)

Regarding the Pyramids’ four elements, when we apply this approach to writing or reporting, please must remember that an article’s structure only support a main idea or the “cap stone” issue, which concludes all views of lower level and groups.

First, take our company for example, since the prices of raw materials and delivery have increased and our competitors have lifted their price recently, therefore, to reflect changes in demand, our product’s price must be adjusted. In this situation, you need to report this view to your boss. So the “Cap stone” issue in this case is price.

Its second element is that any a view of other level summarizes its next layer multiple points. In the above example, adjusting prices follow costs increased and market’s changes.

Third, the view of each group must belong to same category. In the same example, costs include raw materials and delivery, about market’s changes, its category is different with costs.

Finally, the idea of each group must follow the logic sequence. For example, we first consider adjusting product price due to costs increased, not market’s change. According to the Pyramids Principle, Costs should be front of market.

By the way, if we give our leader a recommendation, please remember we must ask our boss for his ideas. And the Pyramids Four elements must be considered. Otherwise, maybe our views will be rejected by our boss.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-03-30 01:18
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