
New field, new hope

One year pasted since I transfered to sales & product from Quality field, this is a really new field. whatever how you success in the past, you have to learn like a novice.
To be frank , it is very difficult to fit to a new field in very short time. but you have to, you know. You have to learn more knowledge and communicate with many kinds of people.
But I insisted, and became more and more skillful.
Next month I will transfer to work as program & sales leader in another group. And this is a very tough position for me since I don't know the product, the solution, etc. but will try my best to learn the rope and arrive at a new level.
I believe new field fill with new hope.

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  • 发布时间: 2011-04-27 09:39
  • 浏览: 1697
  • 评论: 8
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