
Overview of Six Sigma

天气: 晴朗心情: 平静Introductions and Lean Six Sigma Course Overview
History of Six Sigma
High-Level Overview of Six Sigma
History of Lean
High-level Overview of Lean
Black Belt Roles
Key points
When to use the lean six sigma process

you have a challenging goal to reach or issue to solve
you have a group of people with the necessary background to be able to contribute intelligently to identify and solving the issue.
you want a more creative and robust solution than you can develop on your own.
you want to encourage the upward flow of ideas and build team spirit
you want group ownership of a course of action
When NOT to use the lean six sigma process

you only want to disseminate information
you want a "progress check".The format,is ideal for organizing information for presentation
you don't have a specific challenge or clear issue to solve
you already have a solution and course of action, and are not interested in group input or determining if your solution address the root cause.

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i am peter,nice to meet you!



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