
新工厂建立过程中的体会 The experience about new plant investment

It is Lucky that I involved in the new plant’s building. Because quality manager still not on board, as the only quality engineer I joined the building process and get some detailed information in this area. Now it is going on the equipment installing phase, so I want to take a summary about the advance phase job and experience.
  1. 工厂Layout的确定。在此过程中,由公司精益生产部门牵头,我们进行了数轮的lean check,涉及了所有与生产有关的部门:生产,设备,质量,物流。其实,在我们参与之前,总部一有了一个初版的Layout。我们参与的check会议,只是对此前的方案进行优化。在会议中,采用了“头脑风暴法”,分组讨论法等方法,对Layout进行了细致的讨论,并结合设备数量及尺寸,取得了最为可行的方案。感受:工厂建立之初,对整个厂区布局的规划,应该集思广益,汇集各个部门,讨论确定,寻求最为精益的布局。在此过程中,除去考虑现有项目的生产安排,制定最为便捷的设备布局以节省内部物流成本外,还应该为后期的项目预留buffer,便于后期项目的生产以及生产线的扩展。
Check and confirm the plant’s layout. In this process, Under the Lean check team leader we take many times lean check meeting, and the meeting involved each department which has relationship with produce, produce, maintenance, quality, logistic, and so on. Actually, before involved with Wuhu plant in to the process, there has created an initial layout by the group team. We hold the lean check meeting again and again just search for the best concept for the building. In the meeting, we adopted many methods such as “brain storm” ”team discussion” to get the most wild and detailed information and concept. The result: At the beginning of the investment, it has to be finished the check about the plant layout. It has relationship to confirm the electric\ water\gap’s distribution. It need enough discussion to ensure the finial concept is the best one. In this process, it is not enough to consider of the current layout is the best one to suitable for the current project, it is also need to consider the later unknown projects, it would has the convenience for the upper produce line extend .
  1. 设备的采购。除了大型的生产设备,是集团从国外采购的之外,国产的一些设备以及辅助设备包括质量方面的一些检测设备,都是我们工厂自己采购的。这方面我比较外行,但是有设备工程师支持。设备的采购中牵扯技术协议签订啊付款方式啊这些事情,我几乎没有参与。在此项工作中,我学习到一些东西,沉淀了一些经验。第一、设备清单。在总部支持不够的情况下,我们需要自己确认设备需求,由于我们都是外行,在这个行业没有从业过,这就需要我们从各个渠道去获取信息和资源。在质量方面,涉及到来料检验,在线检测,试验室检测,最简单的方式是找总部要量检具清单,之后根据自己工厂的生产零件做一删减。另外多接触总部各个质量领域的员工,可以获取一些信息。我这次,有个英国的老技术专家给予了一定的支持。第二、备品备件以及耗材清单。在采购设备的同时,应该计划备品备件以及耗材。在本公司重庆工厂,在设备调试好准备生产时,在冲压成型时,模芯被打飞了,但是由于在采购模具时没有同期采购备件,而此模具是在国外采购的,备件的采购周期是一个月,这样工期就不得不延误了一个月。
Purchase equipment. Beside the group purchase the main produce equipment from overseas country, we need to buy the assistant equipment including the test equipment and tooling. Because I short of the experience in this area, so there is a maintenance engineer support me. I got the knowledge from the process as below: I), Equipment list. We need to create the list by ourselves in the case of group don’t give us enough support. You can search for the help from many channels including communicate with all quality stuff such as incoming inspection /Lad tester and so on. 2), Spare parts list. It is better to buy the spare parts at the same time with equipment. In Chongqing plant, just because there is no spare parts, when the model is break in the adjust process, it had to stop the adjust and waiting for the spare part come from the overseas country, it is waste more than one month time.
  1. 人员的培训。国内企业,不太注重人员的培训,一般我们都是在工作的过程中边学边干的。但是国外的企业由于比较成熟,注重前期策划,所以对于员工的培训就特别重视。公司一般都会花费大量的人力物力去进行岗前培训,哪怕你是有工作经验的。像我们这次在上海集中培训了两个多月,老外鉴于重庆工厂的那个事故,对于在国内培训还不放心,要求选派人手直接到德国总部进行培训。其实,前期的有效策划和培训,能够大幅度降低投产后的事故风险。投产前的培训还包括一些特殊工种的从业人员的资质培训与取得,比如焊工,叉车工等,另外,还有安全员,急救员等。
Training. In internal company, boss don’t pay much attention on the training, we usually study in the work process. But in the multinational, because it is more mellow than internal company , they usually pay much time and cost on the training even though you have experience in this area. We have nearly spend two months in Shanghai for the training, but the foreign boss still can’t believe the training result and decide to draught several employee go to German for more efficient training. I think the training will reduce lots of risk in the series produce The training also including the special qualification training such as welding operator /Fork lifter, and so on.
  1. 资质的认定。在工厂开工之前,需要拿到当地政府的一些认可。比如安全,环境等等。我现在所在的这家企业,对于环境和安全是非常重视的。有专门的S.H.E部门,如公司的第一节培训,就是生产安全。但是在一些企业,这方面的工作是划归质量部负责的。所以在此时质量部门除了考虑政府的要求外,还应该考虑体系的建立和预审,包括TS16949和ISO 14001和IS018000.
The qualification permit. It is need to get some permit from the local government such as the safety/environment, and so on. My current company give a high recognition on the safety and environment, there is the independent S.H.E department in the company. The safety training is the first training after you join in the company . But in some company the S.H.E is responsible by quality department, so, quality not only need to consider the requirement come from the government but also need to consider the system building including the TS16949 /ISO 14001 and ISO18000.
  1. 计量器具与生产仪表等得标定。在计划的这些器具到位后,生产设备调试前,应该完成所有计量器具的标定。此项有关寻求第三方检定机构,报价,标定等事项。质量部应该提出需求,采购负责联系相关业务。
Equipment and rulers and gage demarcate. Before the produce equipment adjust ,quality must ensure all the quality test equipment/rulers and gage is available. This item including seek the resource for the demarcate/quotation. Quality department provide the necessary and the PA is responsible for the resource confirmation.
As a quality engineer, I face the fresh part and fresh manufacturing in the company, so think I need to study from the below area:
  1. 体系。在本公司,体系中的一二级文件都是统一于亚太地区的文件的(这点有别于continental,大陆的各个location是可以自己制定程序的。),各个location没有权限自己生成一二级文件。但是对于一些management性质的文件,是有权限自己去生成的。接下来的三级文件,是针对各个项目由各个项目team自己完成的,对于我来说,我需要完成后期所有转产到芜湖的项目的检验指导书,试验指导书,检具操作指导书。
System. In the company, each location need to follow the AP’s first and second documents . Location don’t have the duty to create the procedure by itself, but they can create the document about the management. The third documents according to each project need each plant to finish it by itself. For me, I need to finish the inspection instructor/test instructor and the gauge instructor for the project which will launch to Wuhu.
  1. 过程。要熟悉在生产过程中,质量部门参与哪些活动。在本公司,比较特殊的是,在线检验,是由操作工和调整工完成的,质量部门不参与,包括首件。质量部门负责release检验指导书和检具操作指导书,编制巡检卡片并按照卡片要求的频次进行巡检。另外就是按频次进行三坐标检测和一些性能的检测,这是试验室的日常工作内容。另外,来料检验计划的编制以及检验的结果公示等都是在SAP系统中完成,这个对于我来说是个全新的工作方式,还需要再研究和学习这个SAP系统。
Process. Need to familiar with the item which is responsible by quality department in the produce process. It is special in the company that the setter and operator are responsible for the on-line test including the First piece inspection. Quality department release the inspection instructor, create the inspection card, and monitoring the process. By the way, incoming inspection is finished in the SAP system. It is fresh for me so I need to study the system, too.
  1. 抱怨的解决。包括对供应商的抱怨以及来自客户的抱怨。这个不用多说,各个公司都一样。在批产后的项目中,质量工程师lead质量问题的整改工作,包括来自于供应商的质量问题,还是来自自己生产线的质量问题。
Complaint. The complaint including the complaint to supplier and the complaint come from customer, it is same with all company.
  1. 工作交接。由于在launch的过程中,牵扯前期质量工程师向工厂质量工程师的一个工作交接问题,所以,项目中文件的质量把关,就是一个很严肃的问题。我现在很关注PFMEA和CP,当然,工艺工程师会很关注Flow chat。由于对于产品还是不太熟悉,所以在做操作指导书的时候,CP就显得很重要了。这项工作,我觉得在handover真的是一个过程,不是一个节点。可能在后期投产后,我还是要与前期的QE进行很多沟通的。
Handover. As a plant quality engineer I need to take the handover together with the APQP quality engineer. Because I short of experience in hot forming part, so I need to focus on the control plan and PFMEA. I think handover is a process but not a point, I will need support from APQP QE in a long time when the project launch in Wuhu.
It is the first step that is troublesome, however I have no experience for the new plant building and can’t familiar with the produce. I think I must try my best in each step to make sure the next step is easier. It is also many study opportunity in the next equipment installation and adjust process. Keep the study attitude and I must get the progress. I still feel very lucky that I get the opportunity to join the process. Listening is one thing but to do it is another thing, you can get the progress only if you through the process and kill all the difficulty and resistance. Fighting!

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  • 发布时间: 2011-11-20 15:14
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