
质量经理的一天 6-22 Farewall Hang Yick

Dear all,
With this E-mail, I'd like to say goodbye to you my colleague. Today is my last working day in the company. I wish to thanks everybody for the nice cooperation and kindly helps.
It was my glad to have the wonderful time with all of you in the company. In my heart you are not only my kindly colleague but also my good friends. Thank you for your kindly consideration to me and thank you for taking good care of me such long time.
I thought we can work together forever. But now I have to say that I have to leave the company to do another new job and face a new life.
I wish all of you are the best in the future
Best Regards!
Charles Cao
Quality manager

Hang Yick Paper Products Co.Ltd.
Mobile: 86 15622508072
Tel:86+ 0769-9821200-107
Fax:86+ 0769-8982129
Email address: charlescao@hangyickpaper.cn
Postcode: 523645

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  • 发布时间: 2012-06-23 15:08
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