

    首先说下问题背景,汽车行业,球铁铸件,在客户车辆上发生断裂,我会实时更新处理过程,及最新的进展由于时间问题会用英文,请大家谅解了,主要是记录下美国sqe 处理问题的思路与咱们有什么细节上的不同,及问题分析全过程。。我会有中文说明的

1。containment action requiement 1/8/3013
Here is more detail of the break slack body.
• Date code on the metal side cover is **********
• The casting identification is QB4 ( Qianbao, casting position 4) and 12C08 (batch/lot code).

Immediate containment actions require 
• Quarantine all the slacks (from coming to US, Finish Assemblies and current inventory in the plant and at suppliers)

Need an answers to the following questions within next 24 hrs. (if possible, someone has to visit the supplier ASAP)
Interoperation of “12C08 and QB4”

When and How many parts product in the same batch?

Send Material Certificate for the same batch including the nodularity results.

How many parts were fail for nodularity in general (during the mfg. process)?

What process does supplier use to ensure ductile iron? (Control plan, process flow and visual aids)

How long does its change last and what alternate system do they have?

8月2日 更新

     目前的决议是,美国人要求需要供应商的control plan 和fmea, 下周直接飞来到供应商处审核过程查找原因(这个美国人是质量经理)

Due to the high importance of this issue, it was decided that I come to Dalian right away to evaluate the issue. While I am there, I would like to prioritize a visit to this supplier to understand what happened and what part of their controls failed. We will be able to share or finding also at this point. If you could manage to get a copy of their control plan and FMEA ready it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to visit the second casting supplier to evaluate their processes and to implement lesson’s learned for the supplier that shipped the rejected part. 

This issue is of the greatest concern in order for us to be respected as a global slack adjuster supplier. Having this defect will prevent us from doing so at the start of the market introduction and prevent us from being successful. Let me thank you ahead of time for your support as we go through this process. 




Dear sir,
1.We block 5824pcs finished product in our warehouse waiting for sort out assembly by QB body.

2.973 pcs QB body in our warehouse had been blocked. Mr.Shi Lianyi already informed QB stop no more production and block all the body in their warehouse waiting the analysis results.
This afternoon Lianyi and I went to QB supplier, and below is the investigation for the questions.
# Interoperation of “12C08 and QB4”
This broken ASA casting data: 2012/03/08, casting position is 4. Supplier: QB
# When and How many parts product in the same batch?
606pcs body cast in 2012/03/08.
# Send Material Certificate for the same batch including the nodularity results.
Material certificate please see attached test reports.
# How many parts were fail for nodularity in general (during the mfg. process)?
For our body have 3 batches failed for Nodularity. (2012/03/14 failed 128 pcs ,2012/04/09 failed 80 pcs ,2012/04/23 failed 44 pcs)
We also found one oven iron Nodularity unqualified on 2013/03/08( the same batch as the broken ASA ) , the record(please see attached second file) from supplier show the unqualified oven iron did not used for our body, it used for another company products.
# What process does supplier use to ensure ductile iron? (Control plan, process flow and visual aids)
The supplier makes the modularity test for testing model from every pouring ladle. They also record the test results. The supplier keeps these testing models half a year on their site.
They make this standard process in control plan. We will translate these documents to you tomorrow.
Thanks for all your supports!

Hello Qingsong,

Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Unfortunately with the results of your findings, I now do not have confidence in this supplier. Controlling nodularity should be basic for an iron foundry and there should never be any internal failures. It appears to me, having rejects is common. If you could reply, I have more questions now on their process.

1) What type of method do they use to measure nodularity? Is it microscope examination of the last piece or UT testing?
2) If microscope examination, how do they know how far to go back with the pieces to pull out the bad ones?
3) How would the supplier keep the samples in order so as to sort out good /bad parts?
4) You mention in your e-mail that this lot was not qualified. What exactly does that mean. Did the whole lot fail? How many pieces failed in that lot of the one we received and how did they quarantine the out of spec product? Do they have a check sheet that would account for the failed units?
5) How did the piece we received leave their facility? If you can determine root cause, is there a way to predict how many escaped (with extreme accuracy).

We have also stopped shipping to our customers and we are ready to sort product using UT tester. We need to get a complete understanding of the issue as soon as possible.

Thank you again,


名词解释:nodularity (石墨形态,核的形态,一钟铸铁的微观组织形态)microscope 显微镜 iron foundry 铸铁厂 quarantine 隔离

1 原材料检验 各种化学分 10 生铁 GB1412-85
析仪器 11 回炉料 分析报告 
12 废钢 无杂物
13 球化剂 GB3649-87
14 孕育剂 GB2272-87
15 模具检查 浇冒系统表面标记完整
2 制芯 射芯机 20 壳厚 ≥8mm
21 颜色 褐色
22 外观 无毛刺缺肉
3 砂处理 30 型砂含水量 3.0-3.8%
31 型砂透气性 >80
32 型砂强度 1.0-1.4Mpa 
4 造型 造型线 40 型腔硬度 80-100
41 错箱量 <0.5mm
5 熔炼 电炉 50 材料配比 ▲ 配料规范
51 温度 1520-1530℃
52 化学成份 ▲ SAE J434 D4512 C 3.5-3.9 Si 2.7-3.0 Mn<0.5 P<0.07 S<0.03 
53 CE 化学成份标准
球化包 54 球化率 80%以上(包尾三角试片)
55 球化剂加入量 1.0-1.2%
56 除渣 包面无渣
6 浇注 吊包 60 二次孕育 孕育剂0.05-0.1%
61 浇注速度 ≤8分钟
7 落砂 70 符合检验作业指导书
8 转移 80 划痕 符合检验作业指导书
81 搬运 运送标识
9 清理 锤子 90 划痕 符合检验作业指导书
91 断口检查 球化率≥80%
抛丸机 92 毛坯表面质量 检验作业指导书
砂轮机 93 磨浇口毛刺 无毛刺
抛丸机 94 毛坯 无粘砂
10、 喷淋 100 毛坯 冲洗 常温、清水
浸入 磷化槽 101 磷化处理 时间3-5分钟、温度35-40℃
电泳前喷淋 102 冲洗 两次 一次纯水常温
电泳 电泳槽 103 时间 作业指导书
温度 作业指导书
固体分 作业指导书
电压 作业指导书
PH值 作业指导书
电导率 作业指导书
电泳后喷淋 104 冲洗 外观
电导率 作业指导书
烘烤 105 干燥 温度
11、 最终检验 110 外观 符合铸件检验标准
111 尺寸 尺寸符合图纸要求
解剖 112 缩松 ASTM E446 A区3级以上
12 包装 仓库 120 成品 装箱 数量控制
121 分层隔离 防潮
122 封箱 防潮防尘
123 贴标识 物与卡相符

13 全尺寸、全性能检验 130 尺寸、性能 Z035936



最后这个供应商,成功被phase out,新开发的供应商已经成功供货将近2年,没有质量问题
1。potential 审核----对其整体的质量保证体系,审核后是YELLOW ,需要跟踪改进后才能引入
2。指导供应商针对potential 审核时的不符合项进行整改,提供了改进计划及各改进证据
4。陪同老外的验收审核。global sourcing 总部派铸造审核专家直接过来验收审核(审核严苛之程度就不说了,是按照volvo 产品安全要求级别验收的,感觉陪同审核时心都是提到嗓子眼的,如果这次不过这家供应商就没机会了,得重新走其他的供应商选择流程。费时费力,关键是在老外面前丢人啊,中国供应商管理开发人员就是这水平吗?还好4天的审核下来,这老外(是个老头,审了一辈子供应商)还是比较满意
6。global souring 正式批准
11。连续trial run1000件 发现砂眼不良率多
13。重新trial run1000件,不良率合格
16。生产500件提交给我司进行组装trial run,无问题,并抽取5件成品发给客户验证
19。小批供货ramp up,5000件
其中又优化产能了一次产能在现有基础上增加40% ,主要是通过精益生产的手段。以后有时间在更新

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  • 发布时间: 2013-08-01 10:05
  • 浏览: 35873
  • 评论: 96
  • 赞: 119