
February 13, Thursday, Rain

February 13, Thursday, Rain

Last night I slept very well, from ten o’clock until seven o’clock this morning. However, by noon, maybe I was too excited to take a nap as usual.

Starting today, I will begin a new agenda of life in this year of the Horse; I will go to gym to work out every day and to the library to study at least five days every week. Besides, I will carefully budget and strictly control my spending money every month, so that if my parents come to visit me in August or September, I will have enough money to entertain them and show them around. In the meantime, if I go shopping once a month instead of every week, I could save money to buy more presents for my parents. As the only child in the family, I believe this is the time for me to show how gratitude for their never ending care and love.

Let me briefly describe what I did today at work. In the morning, I made the rounds of production lines, reviewed all defect samples that my QC girl’s had identified in the recent days, and tallied XX product yield from Feb 1 to 12. To deal with the top problem regarding the troublesome XX product, I advised all involved departments to implement the newly developed XX process improvement plan. To my twelve QC girls, ages between 18 to 25. I gave them a pat on the back for their superb performance in their inspection assignment.

Time, time, and time! Every day it takes me 90 minutes to take a bath and wash my cloths. As present, since time is more precious than money, I am seeking a ways to save more time.

I am getting sleepy now and need to go to bed. I will get up early in the morning to face another day of my resolution.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-02-13 23:28
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