
February 16, Sunday, Cloudy

February 16, Sunday, Cloudy

This morning, I received a notice from the XX institution, and they wanted me to get ready for the next term to attend the new school year ceremony on February 23. From next month, for my Top-level academic education, maybe I don’t have much time every week. How I hope I could buckle down to finish them within three years. If Cinderella always keeps her chin up and believe that will be the day her dreams will come true.

Tonight I cooked a dish at one of my friends’ home, when I stepped into my dormitory and it was nine o’clock in the evening. I like to cook but don’t think I am good cook. Regardless, when I am at home, my parents like to have me cook for them.


On weekends, I hope I am able to make some cheap and health food, set aside some time each day to just relax, but according to company’s rule, it never allow anyone to cook food in the dormitory. By the way, in the past ten years, I have never cooked anything in my dormitory. In additional, I love to play with cats and dogs. if I have a kid, I will play with them when I stay my home. Talking about dogs, it reminds me what happened last night. When I was in a nearby grocery store, I saw a black dog with the curly fur to run in there, when I raised my voice asking where to find soap, that dog suddenly appeared and stood up in front of me like a person, it looked like happy, but I was almost frightened to death!

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  • 发布时间: 2014-02-16 23:09
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