
February 18, Tuesday, Rain

February 18, Tuesday, Rain

Today, I received QC girls’ salary slip for last month, when our office clerks found out that operators received much higher pay than they did, it drove them crazy. I think they should be told that in January, there were two days national holidays to be arranged overtime. Since line operators were required to work during the Spring Festival, they were justifiably compensated with overtime pay. Our office clerk colleagues should not be green with envy.

In the afternoon, XX customer given us feedback due to XX issue, the mail reason is to transfer and ship process. In the recent two months, our QA has carefully been following these processes and pushed the quality improvement, which included monitoring the performance of their warehouse shipping attendants. Thankfully, our work has resulted in substantial payoffs; I desire to keep our product’s quality above and beyond what our U.S counterpart can accomplish. If not, we will be directed by general manager to pay special attention.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-02-18 23:32
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