
February 20, Thursday, Sunny

February 20, Thursday, Sunny

It was sunny today for the whole day, weather finally turned into a nice day. Cinderella’s mood is getting much better, even I was very tired, and I managed to keep my chin up.

After breakfast, I went to work earlier than usual; the first thing to do still was to check QA dairy report from the night shift’s data. As indicated in the XX Yield trend chart, XX product’s Yield was higher more than its current target of 98.5 percent and approaching the goal of 100 percent.

Recently, in order to decrease the number of complaints from customer, our QA has been working closely with ME engineers to improve the XX process so as to enhance the quality of these XX series products. This joined team effort has resulted in significant improvement in the yield of XX product.

Today, selected from several applicants, I hired a new QC girl whose background and experience fit our needs. From next week, OJT Trainer will be responsible for training her according to the SOP. In the first week, I will do the best to make her feel as comfortable as at home.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-02-21 00:07
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