
February 23, Sunday, Sunny (About the new school year ceremony)

February 23, Sunday, Sunny

After lunch, I went to Huizhou to attend the new school year ceremony. Approximately five hundred people were there to attend this activity. However, they gave us notice that we had to arrive at the school before 1:30 PM, but the meeting was delayed for two hours due to the traffic jam. As the chairperson, there wasn't any good programs arranged, we felt very bored within two hours, and the atmosphere looked a bit awkward.

A number of speeches were given by invited leaders; the central theme of this ceremony was to tell us never giving up learning. Life is a living and learns the process; everyone should have his or her goals and must work hard for this plan to read what we need, day after day, and constant dripping wears away a stone

Above all, that’s the message they wanted to send out to every student and is the theme of this event.

The activity gone over, I went shopping alone until nine o’clock at night; comparatively, I prefer going into store to appreciate beautiful clothes in my spare time. I reminded myself over and over under my breath that I couldn't buy them due to my plan of saving money. But it’s a pity that my favorite brand of cloths was running a promotion activity …

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  • 发布时间: 2014-02-24 01:07
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