
March 9, Sunday, Rain ( Regarding Malaysia Airlines flight missing contact)

March 9, Sunday, Rain

When I heard that Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 people from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing lost contact with traffic controllers, I felt very sad. Today, according to the news, more than two hundreds travelers from 13 nationalities were onboard. Hope miracle can happen. Let’s pray for them.

I was further saddened when I saw the video that families and friends of those missing on the flight were waiting in a hotel for latest information concerning them. Looking at their helpless eyes, my heart was broken. One woman wailed for her missing son as she was led inside. "My son was only 40 years old," she cried. "My son, My son. What am I going to do?"

Until now, nobody knows exactly what happened to this Malaysia Airlines’ plane that disappeared. Friends, let us pray for these 239 people, wishing them live in peace in a different world.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-03-09 19:36
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