
March 16, Sunday, Cloudy (About weekend activities)

March 16, Sunday, Cloudy

After a tiring week with a busy schedule, though today is Sunday, getting up early has became my habit.

In the morning, after having completed my homework, I watched the long-awaited movie named “Personal Tailor”; this film was a Chinese comedy film directed by Feng Xiao Gang in 2013, and I heard the rating was very high…, but I felt...

According to my money saving goal of this year, though I have stopped spending money on weekends, I still can enjoy these short breaks to relax and allow me to do whatever I love to, listening to music, walking , going to class ,taking a long nap in the afternoon and what not. My weekend afternoon naps are usually two hours long versus 30-minute ones during the week. …

This evening, I chatted with my parents and other friends over the cell-phone. To be honest, I wished I could have some of homemade dumplings made by my father. I understand that this will not happen for a long time until next Spring Festival.

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