
March 18, Tuesday, Sunny (How to control your temper?)

March 18, Tuesday, Sunny

In today’s daily production meeting, there was an episode happened during the discussion.
Assume one of your colleagues refuses to cooperate with you, and you are so disturbed with his attitude. In this situation, do you lose your temper?

In my opinion, keeping your temper in check can be challenging at work. In quality management, we often face different types of people when, and it is easy to lose our temper, especially when people are making trouble deliberately.

I believe many of us on this 6SQ website have lots of experiences in quality management; could you share some of yours with us? They could be very useful.

Today, I read an article titled “7 types of friends a female employee needs”. Regrettably, I don’t have these seven types of friends at work. In this article, it talks about office gossips, and advises us to use this relationship to strategize, which could lead to improved upward mobility within the company. However, Honestly, I can’t stand to chat with someone about other people’s private affairs…

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