
Come across

The girl I met in Paris
It happened the girl asked me to take a picture for her and then I did it with pleasure, by the way, I took another picture as you see using my mobile phone, followed with Thank You /Welcome and Where do you come from we start our talking in that fine afternoon while touring the Louvre museum...
She is beautiful with features differ from any street lady in that fashion city, more than traditional she is coming from the immemorial era at the time of late 12th century when the early set of architecture stand up there, later known as the Louvre- a sumptuous palace where full of mystery that every one in this world trying to understand, the beautiful lady is too mysterious to understand, as far as my mind can extend...

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I had a dream, in blue



  • 发布时间: 2008-11-12 16:04
  • 浏览: 2154
  • 评论: 2
  • 赞: 0