
Holiday Message to All Employees

Soon the last sunset of 2008 will turn to darkness and the first dawn of 2009 will burst upon us.

Each year we share the pride of our many accomplishments yet recognize there is more to be done. Our families, our communities, our countries and yes, our company, celebrate new achievements and face new challenges as we look to the future, always anchored by a strong commitment to our values and aided by the strength that family, friends and colleagues provide.

Within Eaton, 2008 has been a year of countless uplifting achievements, and at the same time, challenging business conditions as worsening economic conditions have continued to grip the globe. In spite of the more challenging business conditions, we have much to be proud of – our collective achievements, our talented associates around the world, our commitment to Doing Business Right, our support of our communities and finally our vision – To Be The Most Admired.

I am proud to be an Eaton employee and proud to be associated with each of you. I want to thank you for making such a special difference for our company again this year.

As these days mark a Holiday Season in many parts of the world, I would ask that we each turn our hearts and generosity to those who are less fortunate. Reach out and make a difference in the lives of others who may not enjoy the benefits and security that we do. Make a difference in their lives.

Finally, I hope that the holidays bring you and your family a season of joy and gratitude and that the time you spend together both reinforces and creates new joyful memories!

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  • 发布时间: 2008-12-23 10:49
  • 浏览: 1815
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