
Charactor type

[管理心语] 如何管理又老技术又不好的化验员
本文来自:6sigma品质网 www.6sq.net 作者:zhouyijing928 点击85次原文:http://bbs.6sq.net/viewthread.php?tid=209363
部门有个40多岁的女化验员,从年龄上说我们都很尊重她,毕竟我们其他的都是80后的,从她来公司起我都很照顾她的,因为她是制造部经理推荐的,老板都说给个面子,但是她与人交流或是工作中都是对人不对事,比人本身对他没意见,就是工作中要沟通,要摩擦,长期以来她就觉得别人是对她有转载请注明出自六西格玛品质论坛 http://bbs.6sq.net/,本贴地址:http://bbs.6sq.net/viewthread.php?tid=209363

Try to assess the charactor type of this female analyst employing MBTI model.a, not good at communication, tend to invite attritions: Introvert;b, not so good at analyzing task, or her skill obsoleted: Lack of intuition;c, personnel feeling focused, Feeling type;c, judge people by first impression, not percieving future progresses; Judge type;
What we see here a ISFJ type, which is called the Protector. Charactors of this type is :

ISFJs are private, faithful, sensible and sensitive. Shy, modest and unassuming, this type needs to support and minister to others in order to feel useful. Others count on the ISFJ's steadfast caring and help--so much so that they may become irresponsibly dependent on this type's support. Martyrdom is often an occupational hazard for self-sacrificing ISFJs, who may have to struggle with inner doubts and fears before expressing their personal needs and desires. Work is life to these conservative souls, who put in long hours at the workplace, as well as at home. ISFJs volunteer their help generously, often behind-the-scenes. Innovation, change and uncertainty are unnerving to these folks. They prefer a stable, organized, well regulated, scheduled life, even if someone else is to control what will happen and when. The deeply compassionate ISFJ gravitates toward traditional helping occupations: human services, the ministry, homemaking, teaching and clerical work. They are happy handling details and routine, especially if there is a human element in the work they do.

recommendation to handle this colleague:
Treat her as one of your family;Set up clear work instruction, schedule and prioritize her work well;
She will work herself up to death for you.

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