
双语:总理接受CNN记者专访 (1)

Wouldn't it be good for China to allow a more substantial appreciation of the renminbi?
There are three points. First, China does not pursue a trade surplus. Our objective in having foreign trade is to have balanced and sustainable trade with other countries, and we want to have a basic equilibrium in our balance of payments. Second, the increase of a trade surplus of a country is not necessarily linked with the exchange policy of that country. The third point is that the trade imbalance between our two countries is mainly structural in nature. Many Chinese exports to the U.S. are no longer produced in the U.S., and I don't believe that the U.S. will restart the production of those products — products that are at the low end of the value-added chain. Even if you don't buy them from China, you still have to buy them from India, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. And that will not help resolve the trade imbalance between our two countries.

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