
start my sencond week in new company

last night, i whached a moive named "13 going on 30", a light-comedy film, says what i don't know, the main actor is cute enough and the actress is crazy enough, after whaching, i got the information that the common life & marriage are deserved our seeking, the other things is nothing.
yes, the American depict love movies as always, but the real life, who kowns?!
anyhow, i was a litlle bit touched by that for i am such a sensitive person as Pisces, and also because the night before terrible Monday, i really wanted to find someone chat, but~~~huh, nothing happened, now it is Monday night, all feelings gone.
i was scared last night , the other reason, i must talk with my new leader and report my training to him in English, a few chances i use English, so i am not very confident to express myself exactly in English, and i must say something to show i am a valued person to suit for this position, then things are going to be more complicated, how can i survive?
luckily, i passed , and things are better than i thought, maybe i am not so bad at English
coworkers are more farmilar than last week, so it gets more easier to comunicate, though i am short of technology so much.
what is my strength?
being positive and acttive should be the first, i think, except that, i really don't kown how i can occupy this position.
learning abillity is the second.

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  • 发布时间: 2006-11-27 22:00
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