
some puzzles about APQP

Now i'm in a puzzle as how to understand and implement the APQP!In the chapter 1.0 PLAN and DEFINE PROGRAMThe APQP tell me that understaning customer's needs and exceptions is the first and most important step to do APQP. Because we plan and define our quality program depend upon these investigation.This reference manual also gives some advice to do it as voice of customer,busness plan/marketing strategy,product/process benchmark data,product/process assumptions,product reliability studies and customer input.But now some situations as follow:1.May be the voice of the customer isn't a really voice, most of voice of customer are only from your direct customer, ever worse, your direct customer also don't understand their customer's voice or understand it wrongly. All that lead to the information is unbelievable.2.The similar situations also appear in business plan/marketing stratgey and prodcut/process benchmark data.3.As to product and process benchmark data. maybe you have gathered the benchmark data, but it hasn't any significance and it's valueless. Becuase it's impossible for your company to approach it .it's only a perfect dream forever4.Regarding of competition and confidentiality. your customer will not provide you of business plan and marketing stratgey. you are also not the only supplier.5.May be you can finish the job by hard working, But it cost much money and you can't gain a lot of profit from it. Then your general manager only focun on the profit, how you face it!make a summary from above situationsYou gather the interest information and data completely, but it isn't the information and data waht you want. how to deploy the next work or maybe is it necessary to continue to do APQP?[ 本帖最后由 nordrassi 于 2006-11-27 22:46 编辑 ]

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  • 发布时间: 2006-11-27 22:51
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