
new work new environment

I don't review it for a long time, have a little missing!
are you ok my friend?
I have changed my job and worked in a new company on Jan-20 2007,new jear new beginning!
I wish I can develop my career and obtain more requirement in the future; although I have worked for 6years and should build up my career plan for a long term; can't get through one by one day!
maybe I will meet personal important problem after some time, if I haven't a stable and powerful job, how will I talk about these problems?
so I will work hard and solid own foundation in order to develop my plan better, master more knowledge and communicate with my customer/supplier/colleague/friend...
because anythings can be solved as long as you trear with any things or anyone by heart!

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  • 发布时间: 2007-01-10 17:25
  • 浏览: 1775
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