
Agreement and Disagreement

We often get into situations where we discuss things with other people, and the relevant language to agree and disagree without causing offence is absolutely important in such cases. It is quite difficult to give offence when agreeing with someone, but it is important to differentiate between levels of agreements. Disagreeing with someone's opinion is a little more difficult because there are several factors to take into consideration when deciding how to express disagreement. First, and probably most important is our relationship with the other person. If we know the person very well, we can be stronger and more direct in our disagreement . In a discussion with people we don't know very well or in very formal settings, we should fit our language to the situation. We soften the disagreement so that we don't appear rude or hurt other person's feelings.

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  • 发布时间: 2010-12-26 20:05
  • 浏览: 2013
  • 评论: 1
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