
Summary of Book 《To Bee or Not to Bee》

Author: John Penberthy

  1. If you can't do something right, don't do it at all.
  2. The power of the mind lies in perceiving differences; the power of the heart lies in perceiving similarities.
  3. Don't be so worried about what they think of you.
  4. Just do your part and let your life, not your words, influence them.
  5. Life is a journey from i to we.
  6. Each bee must find his own truth.
  7. Success is simply beeing on your path, only through experience can we expand beyond our limited bee perspective and start to see the larger picture of things.
  8. Perfection isn't some state of affairs, it's a state of mind.
  9. Everything is relative: the instant you define one condition, you've created its opposite. How can you have cold unless you know what hot is How can you have up without down Happy without sad
10.The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.
11.The greastest present is the present.
12.The perfection seems to lie in the process, in the opportunity for learning.
13.Lessons are the flip side of experience. Learning is what got us this far and what will take us wherever we're going.
14.We can all learn plenty from each other - even those we think don't know as much as we do - if we just set our egos aside. There's no shortage of lessons. We're all each other's students and teachers.
15.Our existence here ... isn't about our ideas of God ... or religion ... or the hereafter. It's about right here, right now. Bee here now.
16.Happiness can not bee pursued, it must ensue.

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