
The flimsiness of life and strong

A needle and I obviously feel the flow of blood, small wounds, there is so much blood out. Has been strong for life and vulnerability, I have not seriously thought about.
At prsent I heard two pieces of news about tragedies of children:1. a two-years old kid survived without eating any food and was living at her dead grandma for one week--- what a strong life !2. twenty children died in an accident in Gansu province--lost twenty lives in a quick moment---what a weak life !
As a quality worker,we know, there is an action named Preventive. According to survey of the first news,we got known that child is a leftover one,parents work outside.Think about it by quality management view,if that parents had kept powder dry for they would work outside for long time,be ready of preventive.I think in case grandma got sick ,they would get fast known about terrible thing happens.Additionally,when sixty-six kids were packed like sardines in the school bus,does that accident happen or become so terrible? did the driver try to consider about safety before? where is the preventive? I have to admit something we can't know in advance, as we know,we can't totally expect to control all the bad,but if we have kept powder dry for preventive,we can reduce the bad happened into the bottom limit.We would deal with many many no-conformance items for production line every day,we know we have D/P FMEA ,this is concerned with PFMEA,when the tragedy happened,please be right now to make the corrective and prventive for future process.Don't think that is a penny-ante action.
Well..cut to the chase for above,now I wanna talk about my quality management experience about PFMEA,usually, once some part happened a quality issue,I would gather the non-conformance samples,and then took a picture for them,and raised a quality alert on spot.Actually,about theoretical quality concepts,I know few of them.also when we raise alerts for each issue,we must train it for operators,termly follow up preformance.Additionally,we shall be good at gathering the similiar quality problems ,then summarize them to draft preventives.All PFMEA shall go through the practise...
Here are my slight experiences,well i don't want to display my slight quality skills in front of you experts.
Just essay for my wordy words...

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  • 发布时间: 2011-11-18 12:55
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