
【总结过去 规划未来】look back to the past ,look forward to the future

Happy New Year ,everyboy .
Today is new year's day . and also is sunday . so coincidence. in the particular day, i hope everybody has a harmonious families , healthy body ,good job of course.i also wishs our nation become more properous and strong .
In the past year, the working same as usual , but at the private time , i make a big changed . in the past few years , i always play computer games when i got off work. however, from march, 2011 untill now ,i just make one thing which was learning english ,almost never interrupt one day .
Accoring the present level of english ,my oral english better than write english . from now on ,communication with foreigner was no any question ,write daily email certain no problems. actually , my english was not unadulterated english , even has chinglish in there .but i have strong believe that these problems will be competely solved in 2012.

Based on my schedules ,has four important things need to realize it .here they are .
1.in the march ,will be enter for public english test ,must be pass it . (although i was not join any train center and clear the decks)
2.find a better job . finish in the may before .
  1. get a drive license. finish in the octomber before .
4.improve my present degree . begun in the july.

this is my goals in next year ,i know that i will not undermine my worth by comparing myself with other ,i was especial ,make a progress everyday .i can make it .

Everybody knows that to compete in such a competitive society requires a good command of knowledge,so let's we struggle together ,like a hilter said that ,in this struggle ,there are but two outcomes,neither the ememy pass over our body ,or we will pass over theirs .just like learning english ,if you can't completely conquer english ,then you will was conquer by english . without the determation ,you will can't do anything successful .

the time of opportunity and fortune waiting us ,a new era has begun.

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  • 发布时间: 2012-01-01 22:58
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