

近来有些搞笑,明明自己身边的资料都没有看完,硬是跟着潮流狠狠的下了N多资料回来看,其中six sigma and lean的英文资料就有几十本。。。自己还没有看完一本又想接着下,首先这些资料其中的任何一本都是很不错的资料,为什么不能看完一本再接着看呢?我想我总是在跟着潮流奔跑的时候忘记了最初自己想要的东西,希望这次自己不会了^_^,以下是自己down的书籍的目录,做个记号吧:
1-Lean Six Sigma some basic concepts.pdf
2001 Triz And Innovation Asset Management.doc
7-J Ross Publishing,.Look Forward Beyond Lean and Six Sigma - A Self-perpetuating Enterprise Improvement Method.[2006.ISBN1932159460].pdf
Amacom - Power Of Ultimate Six Sigma 0814407595.pdf
Applying the TRIZ Methodology to Machine Maintenance II.pdf
Asq Six Sigma Black Belt Introduction.doc
Audio Book - Six Sigma cd 1 of 5_Six Sigma The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations.zip
Beyond Lean Manufacturing - Combining Lean And The Theory Of Constraints For Higher Performance (W H Dettmer) Fromgoalsys.pdf
Breakthrough Innovation in Conflict Resolution - Marrying TRIZ and the Thinking Process (E Domb and W H Detmer) 1999 fromgoalsys.PDF
Breakthrough Thinking (A Linear Sequencing Of Triz Tools).pdf
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Vol 1= Advanced Experimental Design - 2005.pdf
Design For Six Sigma - A Roadmap For Product Development.pdf
Design Of Experiments.pdf
Elsevier - Six Sigma and the Product Development Cycle - 2005.pdf
Engineous - Using Isight For Design For Six Sigma (Dfss) At Ge Power Systems.pdf
ITIL Essentials for IT Service Management (HP education Services).pdf
J Ross Publishing,.Class A ERP Implementation - Integrating Lean and Six Sigma.[2005.ISBN1932159347].pdf
J Ross Publishing,.Lean Six Sigma Logistics - Strategic Development to Operational Success.[2005.ISBN1932159363].pdf
Jones.And.Bartlett.Publishers.The.Essentials.Of.Computer.Organization.And.Architecture.eBook-LiB [09BB9F6E].chm
Lean & Kaizen.doc
Lean Manufacturing By Hollister.ppt
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.pdf
Management - Proyectos Aprender A Pensar Con Triz (Creatividad Para Empresas) 35p BUENISIMO.pdf
McGraw - Hill - Statistics.for.Six.Sigma.Made.Easy.chm
McGraw Hill - The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook - A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Process Quality Speed &Complexity.chm
Mcgraw-Hill - Briefcase Books - Design For Six Sigma.pdf
Mcgraw-Hill - Design For Six Sigma - A Roadmap For Product Development - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).pdf
McGraw-Hill - Design for Six Sigma Statistics - 59 Tools for Diagnosing and Solving Problems in DFSS Initiatives - 2006 - [ISBN0071451625].pdf
McGraw-Hill - Lean Six Sigma for Service.How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions.chm
Mcgraw-Hill - What Is Lean Six Sigma - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).chm
McGraw-Hill, Six Sigma Business Scorecard Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System (2004) LiB; BM OCR 6.0-2.5.pdf
Mcgraw-Hill, Six Sigma Business Scorecard Creating A Prehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System (2004) Lib; Bm Ocr 6.0-2.5 Shareconnector.doc
Models Six Sigma - The Six Sigma Way - P S Sande, R P Neuman & R R Cavanagh (McGraw-Hill) - 2000.pdf
Nave D - How to compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints.pdf
Project Management - New Six Sigma - A Leader Guide To Achieving Rapid Business (Prentice Hall).chm
Project Management - Six Sigma Course.zip
[Project Management - The Six Sigma Mega Pack - A Collection]
Quality Beyond Six Sigma.pdf
Sailing Through Six Sigma.pdf
Six Sigma - Black Belt Trainning Ge.pdf
Six Sigma - Iso 9000.pdf
Six Sigma and Beyond - Statistics and Probability, Volume III.chm
Six Sigma Case Study #2 (Dfss) updated-fixed 06-2006.zip
Six Sigma Case study #2 (DFSS).zip
Six Sigma For Dummies 0764567985.pdf
Six Sigma Trends Six Sigma Leadership And Innovation Using Triz.pdf
Six Sigma.ppt
Statistical Design & Analysis Of Experiments 2Ed 2003 Mason.pdf
TOC and TRIZ.pdf
Total Quality Management Versus Six Sigma.doc
TRIZ - course (rus)-04.pdf
TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.pdf
Which One First Lean Manufacturing Or Six Sigma.pdf
Wiley - Getting Started in Six Sigma (2005).pdf
Wiley - Six Sigma For Everyone - 2003.pdf

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