
choice of six sigma program (copied)

六西格玛是一个综合的项目管理, 全球很多公司的巨大财务收益关键在于选择了正确的项目, 这些项目被安排给绿带或者黑带,通过有效的工具来找到解决方案. 但是所有的的前提是要建立总体的策略,并把策略的内容翻译成可行的行动计划清单. 六西格玛目前是最有效地实现组织目标的方法. Six Sigma is accomplished one project at a time. The billions of dollars saved by companies around the world is the cumulative effect of properly selecting and defining business issues that can be assigned to Green Belts and Black Belts for solution. As you may have read last week, a strategic plan includes planning, adequate links between strategy and action, and effective communications. Six Sigma projects are a key action that you can take to reach your organization's strategic goals.
下面的内容是从广义的角度列举大多数组织存在的项目需求, 这些项目提案要进一步应用"项目书"来进行具体的描述,并对实施的方向作出定义. The intent of this article is to present ideas for identifying issues in your organization and function. These ideas can then be evaluated and formalized into project charters which will allow you to prioritize for implementation.
不同部门的项目提案Project Selection Ideas By Function财务或会计部门Finance/Accounting Six Sigma Project Ideas
减少会计处理周期Reduce the time it takes to close the accounting books (cycle time)
改善预测系统的正确性Improve the forecast accuracy
控制过期花费Control spending over time
减少损益表的风险Reduce balance sheet risk
控制不稳定客户以及相关风险Eliminate unstable customers and associated risks
改善不同供应商的付款流程Improve payment processing to vendors/suppliers
改善资金回笼(DSO),缩短客户回款的周期Improve Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) ?the average time taken by a company to collect payment from its customers
减少工资支付周期Reduce payroll process cycle time
改善现金管理流程Improve cash management processes
改善付款/收款流程Improve payment/collection processes
减少电子财务帐单的成本Reduce electronic financial transaction costs
缩短数据处理的周期Reduce the cycle time of reconciliation
缩短采购到支付的周期Reduce the procure to pay cycle
建立资金运转的标准流程Standardize the accrual and deferral processes

人力资源部Human Resources Six Sigma Project Ideas
缩短招聘员工的周期Reduce the time required to hire an employee
缩短保险单的兑现流程Reduce the time to process an insurance claim
改善新员工上岗培训的流程Improve employee on-boarding and orientation processes
减少人事外包的费用Reduce expenditures for recruiting firms
改善员工业绩表现评估的流程Improve timeliness and the value of employee performance reviews
改善员工缺勤率Reduce absenteeism
改善培训效果Improve training efficiency
改善员工满意度Improve employee satisfaction
发现和纠正员工离职的负面原因Identify and correct retention issues
员工健康保障Adds and Deletes of Dependents to Active Employee Health Care Coverage's
发展评估Advanced Degree Equity
死亡通知流程Death Notification Processing
人类工程学的应用Defining Ergonomic Concerns to the Wayne Assembly Plant PVT
健康数据维护Dependent Level Data Reconciliation - HAP
员工伤残支付Disability Overpayments - Pension
伤残支付计划Disability Plan Overpayments
伤残恢复流程Disability Re-Engineering Process (DFSS)
伤残员工的工作安置Disability Retirees Working Outside of Ford
员工健康状态的审核评估流程ECPL Audit Process Improvement Process # VO and PTO
提高招聘工资定位的效率Effective Recovery of Recruiting Salaried Signing Bonus upon EE Termination w/1 year of Service
员工安置费Effective Recovery of Relocation Costs Upon Voluntary Termination
伤残员工离职的支付标准Elimination of Overpayments to RTW from Disability Leaves

销售部门Sales Six Sigma Project Ideas
提升复合销售的机会Improve cross-sell opportunities
缩短销售定单的实施时间Reduce time required to enter sales orders
减少销售定单的人为差错Reduce errors and rework associated with sales orders
缩短客户信誉审核的周期Reduce customer credit worthiness cycle time
减少无效定单Reduce the number of "bad deals" that are processed
缩短下定单到回款的周期Improve the cycle time of the entire sales order to cash process
提升回头客和多次提货Increase repeat orders/customers

供应链/收发货Shipping/Receiving Six Sigma Project Ideas
改善送货到客户的准时率Improve on-time delivery of products to customers
改善材料从供应商到工厂的准时率Improve on-time delivery of goods to our facility from vendors
提高文件准确率Improve documentation accuracy
减少由于供应导致的生产停顿Reduce line downtime due to shipping/receiving
提高库存周转率Improve inventory control/rotation
改善检验流程Improve inspection processes

信息部门Information Technology
减少网站停机Reduce network/server/application downtime
改善远程接入系统的流程Improve process of logging-in to network from remote locations
改善系统的适应性Improve system reliability/uptime
电脑配置的标准化,改善使用效率Standardize computer loads for configuration and support productivity improvement

产品服务Product/Service Design Six Sigma Project Ideas
缩短新产品和新服务项目的研发周期Reduce time required to design a product or service
减少设计失误Reduce errors in design
减少生产周期Reduce production time
缩短测试周期Reduce testing time

电话服务中心Call Center Six Sigma Project Ideas
平局对话时间的改善Increase/decrease (depending on your business needs) average talk time
减少放弃电话Reduce abandon calls
提升员工知识Improve employee knowledge
减少客户等待答复时间Reduce number of times customer is put on hold

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  • 发布时间: 2008-10-07 14:23
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