

Public Function BiosInfo() As String On Error GoTo ErrBiosInfo '错误时返回固定的机器码,Win98不支持WMI Dim MyOBJ As Object, oBios As Object, cZfc As String, i As Long, cTmpZfc As String Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_Bios") cZfc = "" i = 0 For Each oBios In MyOBJ i = i + 1 '可能有多个Bios If IsNull(oBios.Description) Then 'Caption or Name cTmpZfc = "" Else cTmpZfc = Trim(CStr(oBios.Description)) End If cZfc = cZfc + cTmpZfc If IsNull(oBios.Manufacturer) Then cTmpZfc = "" Else cTmpZfc = Trim(CStr(oBios.Manufacturer)) End If cZfc = cZfc + cTmpZfc If IsNull(oBios.SerialNumber) Then cTmpZfc = "" Else cTmpZfc = Trim(CStr(oBios.SerialNumber)) End If cZfc = cZfc + cTmpZfc If IsNull(oBios.ReleaseDate) Then cTmpZfc = "" Else cTmpZfc = Trim(CStr(oBios.ReleaseDate)) End If cZfc = cZfc + cTmpZfc Next BiosInfo = cZfc + CStr(i) Exit Function
ErrBiosInfo: BiosInfo = "210660612"End Function
Public Function GenMachSN() As String On Error GoTo ErrGenMachSN Dim cBios As String cBios = BiosInfo() Dim cString As String, nLen As Long, ii As Long, nSN As Long cString = cBios '这里可以加上你的字符串变换方式,我用的MD5(cBios) nLen = Len(cString) nSN = 0 For ii = 1 To nLen nSN = nSN + Asc(Mid(cString, ii, 1)) * 356421 Next 'cString = MD5(CStr(nSN)) '这里可以加上你的字符串变换方式 nLen = Len(cString) Dim cZfc As String cZfc = "" For ii = 1 To nLen cZfc = cZfc + Right(CStr(Asc(Mid(cString, ii, 1))), 1) Next If Len(cZfc) < 9 Then '固定9位机器码 GenMachSN = cZfc + Left("267415893", 9 - Len(cZfc)) Else GenMachSN = Left(cZfc, 9) End If Exit Function ErrGenMachSN: GenMachSN = "168660612"End Function
Sub TestFunction() MsgBox BiosInfo() MsgBox GenMachSN()End Sub

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