
Quality control (QC) 质量控制

Quality control (QC) 质量控制

The ISO 9000 definition states that quality control (commonly abbreviated to QC) is part of quality management focused on fulfilling requirements. What the definition fails to tell us is that controls regulate performance. Control is sometimes perceived as undesirable as it removes freedom, but if everyone were free to do just as they liked there would be chaos. Controls prevent change and when applied to quality they regulate performance and prevent undesirable changes being present in the quality of the product or service being supplied. When operations are under control they are predictable and predictability is a factor that is vital for any organization to be successful. If you cannot predict what might happen when a process is initiated, you are relying on chance. The quality of products and services cannot be left to chance.
ISO 9000定义:质量控制是质量管理的一部分,致力于满足要求。该定义没有告诉我们的是控制操控绩效。有时候控制被视为是不情愿地剥夺自由,但是如果每个人都按照自己的想法任意干,那就会是一团糟。控制预防改变,在应用于质量时,控制操控绩效并预防不期望的产品和服务提供中质量的改变。在运行受控时,运行是可预测的,而且这种可预测性是任何成功组织的关键要素。如果在一个过程启动时,你不能预见可能要发生什么,你就只能靠运气了。产品和服务的质量不能依赖于运气。
The simplest form of quality control is illustrated in Figure 1.6. Quality control can be applied to particular products, to processes that produce the products or to the output of the whole organization by measuring the overall performance of the organization.

图1.6 初始控制模型
Quality control is often regarded as a post-event activity: i.e. a means of detecting whether quality has been achieved and taking action to correct any deficiencies. However, one can control results by installing sensors before, during or after the results are created. It all depends on where you install the sensor, what you measure and the consequences of failure.
The progressive development of controls from having no control of quality to installing controls at all key stages from the beginning to the end of the product cycle is illustrated in Figure 1.7. As can be seen, if you have no controls, quality products are produced by chance and not by design. The more controls you install the more certain you are of producing products of consistent quality but more control does not mean more inspection neither does it mean that the checking of work has to be performed by personnel different from those who carried out the work. In Figure 1.7, the work, checks, remedial action and corrective action could well be performed by the same individual. In some cases each task may be performed by different organizations. It rather depends on what the most effective and efficient solution might be.

Control before the event 事前控制
Some failures cannot be allowed to occur and so must be prevented from happening through rigorous planning and design. One example is the use of reliability prediction performed before the design is complete to predict whether product reliability will meet the specification. Another is the use of competence based assessment techniques where personnel are under close supervision until they demonstrate competences following which supervisory controls are removed. This allows you to remove output checks because you know that if you were to inspect the work you would find it to be correct. Instead of checking every product produced, you check competency periodically and assign responsibility to personnel for checking their own work. Another method is the use of prevention-based error-proofing mechanisms that sense an abnormality that is about to happen, and then signal the occurrence or halt processing, depending on the severity, frequency or downstream consequences. (This has been referred to as “autonomation”, see Appendix A.)

Control during the event 事中控制
Some failures must be corrected immediately using automatic controls or error proofing. By continuous monitoring of parameters in a processing plant the temperature, pressure, quantities etc., are adjusted to maintain output within specified limits. Electronic components are designed so that they can only be inserted in the correct orientation. Computer programs are designed so that routines will not run unless the correct type of data is entered in every field.
Control after the event 事后控制
Where the consequences of failure are less severe or where other types of sensors are not practical or possible, output verification can be used as a means of detecting failure early in the process and preventing the subject product passing through subsequent stages and increasing the cost of rectification. Although errors have occurred, measures taken to contain them or remove the defective products from the production stream automatically are another form of errorproofing method. Product inspection and test is control after the event because it occurs after the product is produced but before the product is released out of the organization’s control.
Where failure cannot be measured without observing trends over longer periods, you can use information controls. Many managers receive reports weeks or months after the week in which the deeds were done. Reports produced on long-range frequencies are often only of use to long-range decisions such as setting objectives, policy making etc. They do not stop immediate operations but may well be used to stop further operations when limits are exceeded. The danger in control after the fact is not only the slowness of reporting but also the oscillating effect of any action that is taken. If data on utilization does not reach the manager until weeks after the effort was spent, it is highly likely that when he or she takes action, the demand will have changed and staff will be working overtime to catch up. Observing the overtime the manager recruits more staff but by the time they are operational the demand has reduced once again. It is often deemed that quality assurance serves prevention and quality control detection, but a control installed to detect failure before it occurs serves prevention, such as reducing the tolerance band to well within the specification limits. So quality control can prevent failure. Assurance is the result of an examination whereas control produces a result. Quality assurance does not change the product, but quality control does. Quality control as a label “Quality control” is also the term used as the name of a department. In most cases Quality Control Departments perform inspection and test activities and the name derives from the authority that such departments have been given. They sort good products from bad products and authorize the release of the good products.
It is also common to find that Quality Control Departments perform supplier control activities, which are called Supplier Quality Assurance or Vendor Control. In this respect they are authorized to release products from suppliers into the organization either from the supplier’s premises or on receipt in the organization. To control anything requires the ability to effect change, therefore the title Quality Control Department is a misuse of the term, because such departments do not in fact change the quality of the product they inspect. They do act as a regulator if given the authority to stop release of product, but this is control of supply and not of control of quality. Authority to change product usually remains in the hands of the producing departments. It is interesting to note that similar activities within a Design Department are not called “quality control” but “design assurance” or some similar term. “Quality control” has for decades been a term applied primarily in the manufacturing areas of an organization and it is therefore difficult to change people’s perceptions after so many years of the term’s incorrect use. In manufacturing, inspection and test activities have been transferred into the production departments of organizations, sometimes retaining the labels and sometimes reverting to the inspection and test labels. However, the term quality control is used less frequently in the west probably because of the decline of manufacturing. It has not been widely used in the service sector.
A reason for this could be that it is considered more of a concept than a function.

Universal sequence of steps 通用步骤
The following steps can accomplish control of quality, or anything else for that matter (Juran 1995):
以下步骤可以用来建立质量的控制,或类似的活动(朱兰 1995)
  1. Determine the subject of control, i.e. what is to be regulated 确定控制主题,即要控制什么
  2. Define a unit of measure – express the control subject in measurable terms such as quantities, ratios, indices, rating etc 确定测量单位——以测量的术语来表达控制对象,如数量、比率、指数、权数等等。
  3. Establish a standard level of performance – a target to aim for 建立绩效标准水平——要达成的目标
  4. Select a sensor to sense variance from specification 选择感受差异的感应器
  5. Install the sensor at the stage in the process appropriate whether you need to control before, during or after results are produced 在过程的适宜阶(结果产生之前,之中或之后)段置入感应器。
  6. Collect and transmit data to a place for analysis 收集和传输数据至分析位置
  7. Verify the results and establish whether the variance is within the range expected for a stable process (the status quo) 确认结果并确定差异是否是在稳定过程(情形)期望的范围内
  8. Diagnose the cause of any variance beyond the expected range 分析差异超出期望范围的原因
  9. Propose remedies and decide on the action needed to restore the status quo. 提出补救措施,确定恢复原状所需的措施
  10. Take the agreed action and check that process stability has been restored 采取同意的措施,并检查过程的稳定性是否得到了恢复。

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