
Furnace Types

Furnace Types
Fluidbed Furnaces Used for:Annealing, Tempering, Stress Relieving, Patenting,

Fluidbed Furnaces

The fluidbed furnace is designed for high wire speeds with optimum air and gas flow rates.
photo courtesy of qed

General Description

The continuous multiple strands of steel wire pass horizontally through a bed of fluidized aluminum oxide particles. Air and gas are introduced in the bottom of the bed through a double distribution network. Combustion occurs within the bed providing rapid heat-transfer to the sand particles and wires. The bed is contained between corrugated retort walls of high nickel alloy steel that are suitably designed to withstand the stresses of thermal cycling.
The walls are insulated with layers of ceramic fiber to provide a low skin temperature and efficient operation. The furnace frame is constructed of welded structural steel sections and heavy gauge panels. Most furnaces are custom built in length and width to suit the customer’s production requirement.

Pilotsphoto courtesy of qed

Combustion Controlsphoto courtesy of qed

Quenching Lead Furnaces Used for:Annealing, Tempering, Quenching, Patenting,

Lead Furnaces

Lead Furnaces are used for several continuous wire heat-treatment processes including; Patenting, quenching, and tempering of high carbon wire, and annealing of low carbon wire. The furnace is built and designed to suit the application and the specific production requirements.
Nozzle mix burners fire under a heavy walled steel pan in a staggered pattern producing exceptional temperature uniformity. In designing the furnace special attention must be given to heat flux and selection of materials to assure a long pan life.
The combustion systems are normally arranged in multiple zones of control and can be oil, gas or dual fuel fired. Several layers of high quality refractory line the furnace to maintain efficient operation and establish low skin temperatures.

Lead Quench Furnace

Liquid metal pumps continuously re-circulate the lead to dissipate heat from the quench zone. Additional cooling is provided in the area by controlled forced air flow through submersed cooling tubes. The bottom firing burners provide heat input for start-up and for low production situations. The quench furnace is also equipped with heavy duty sinker mechanisms and a state of the art combustion and control system.

Lead Annealing Furnace

The lead annealing furnace is fired in multiple zones of temperature control to produce a consistent and fast heat-transfer to the wires. Optional covers and a fume extraction system can be provided to minimize the environmental impact and increase safety. Fabrication of the heavy walled pan should include stress relieving and a complete weld inspection to assure a long life.

Double Pan LeadAnnealing FurnaceSketch & photo courtesy of qed

Muffle or Tube Furnaces
The Muffle or Tube Furnaces are built for the continuous in-line austenitizing or annealing of multiple wire strands. High velocity burners are mounted along both sides of the furnaces in a staggered pattern that produces excellent temperature uniformity. Pressure controled combustion available on some furnaces gives a high turn-down ratio and efficient multiple burner control.
Direct Fired Muffle and Tube Furnaces
Direct Fired Furnaces like the Muffle or Tube Furnaces are built for the continuous in-line austenitizing or annealing of multiple wire strands. High velocity burners are normally mounted along both sides of the furnaces in a staggered pattern in order to produce temperature uniformity. Generally used for: Austenitizing stainless steel wire
Annealing Oil Tempering Lines
Oil Tempering Lines consist of an Austenitizing Furnace, Quenching System, Tempering Furnace and Cooling and Coating Tanks. The Austenitizing Furnace can be Direct Fired, Fluidbed or Muffle Tube for atmosphere control. Following the heating section, the wires are rapidly quenched in a cooling medium of mineral based oil or water based polymer fluids.
Bell Furnaces
Bell furnace processing provides better control of the cooling process and also allows for a slower cooling period where the temperature can be held at a fixed intermediate temprature for an extended period. Bell Furnaces also allow for a more homogeneous and faster heat transfer.
Salt bath furnaces
Salt bath furnaces are used for a number of heat treatment applications such as: Preheating ?Austenitizing ?Martempering ?Neutral Hardening ?High-Speed Tool Hardening ?Tempering Nitriding ?Carburizing ?Solution Heat Treating ?Dip Brazing Modern systems offer quick ramp-up and high heating uniformity

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