
Seeking and Giving information

In our daily life, there are many situations in which we have to ask for information we need. When we are trying to get information, we should know how to do it in a suitable way. First of all, make sure the other person knows you would like to ask him or her something. Secondly, don't be too abrupt , or you will give offence. Furthermore, since we use questions as a way of starting a conversation , it is important to know how to get the required information without becoming involved in a lengthy conversation. When we are seeking information we should remember to use polite expressions like "excuse me" , "sorry to trouble you", etc., to attract the person's attention before we ask a question for seeking the information we need. It is also necessary and polite to thank the person who has passed the information you need. When it comes to giving the information we often reply briefly, clearly and patiently.

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  • 发布时间: 2010-11-04 16:33
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