
[翻译] SAP 质量管理 ---SAP 质量管理 (3.2)

实施阶段SAP QM确保质量贯穿整个供应链和超越公司边界。它支持你的质量管理部门跟中以下活动:l 采购:QM管理供应商相关的主数据, 根据某些质量规则控制采购过程,处置检验证明和货物接收检验。l 生产:QM在工艺路线和配方里结合了检验规范,允许在生产中或者发生生产订单收货时进行检验,使用控制图监视生产过程和确认质量、数量和成本。l 销售和发运:QM管理与客户相关的主数据,根据质量规则控制销售和发运过程,处理检验证书和发料时的检验。 采购供应商评估物料管理提供关于供应商交货可靠性、价格记录、服务记录的信息给采购员。QM提供关于已经交付的货物的质量和已使用的供应商的质量管理信息给采购员。为此,SAP从了供应商审核、货物接收检验和投诉供应商里概括得出质量分数。 供应商放行在某些工业部门,供应商在其公司必须建立质量管理系统,如一个应该满足ISO9000系列标准的系统。如供应商必须经过认证机构授予的证书的系统。你的SAP 应用程序检查是否供应商的系统适合某些特定的物料,然后据此放行或者封锁供应关系。 你可以有限的放行供应关系,通过制定时间范围和最小交付数量。如果这个供应商有严重的质量问题,你可以封锁询价、下采购订单或者只接收特别制定的该供应商的产品。 QM也监视物料按部就班的放行。供应商交付必须循序的通过样品、小批、量产,这些阶段使用相应的检验计划。 在许多供应部门,供应商是中间商(经销商),意味着产品的质量主要取决于制造商而非供应商。因此,你可以应用下面的功能与制造商:供应商放行、检验计划、检验范围动态修改和投诉供应商。 质量保证协议、技术交付条款和证书要求当采购员请求一个询价或者下发一个采购订单时,已放行的供应商将自动收到关于技术交付条款和现行的质量保证协议的信息。供应商也可以被要求交付时包括质量证书。 源检偶尔,检验可以代替进货检验而在供应商的经营场所进行。如果发生这种情况,软件会将目标交货期限带进账目且为源检及时生成检验批,你就可以在供应商处实施一次源检,因为使用SAP NetWeaver 门户你是有可能访问SAP ERP的,甚至是该供应商没有使用SAP ERP. 货物接收证书如果你已经识别出某种物料需要证书,收货时这个证书就必须被确认。 如果证书缺失,SAP ERP采用适当的措施(例过账货物到锁定库存),SAP ERP支持证书接收过程的管理和发出必要的提示(参见图-3)。你能够手动生成一个证书和储存他们在可视文档里(SAP ArchiveLink),或者你可以发出一个电子表单。使用电子质量数据交换,证书数据可以被直接转移到货物接收检验批。 动态修改如果一个供应关系的质量持续的好,你或许想放弃接收检验,特别是这个供应商有一个经过认证的质量管理系统。对于部分的批次,你可以设置软件为每个采购订单、收货或批仅仅做一次接收检验。如果你不想完全的浪费货物接收检验,你可以降低检验的范围直到质量水准允许。放宽检验可能导致跳批。如果你允许对物料跳批和自动使用决策,软件将在没有干涉下处理跳批,然后将直接过账这批物料到非限制使用库存(免检入库)。The Implementation PhaseQM with SAP ERP ensures qualityacross the entire supply chain andbeyond company boundaries. It supportsyour quality managementdepartment in the following activities:• Procurement. QM with SAP ERPmanages vendor-related master data,controls the purchasing processaccording to certain quality criteria,and handles inspection certificatesand goods receipt inspections.• Production. QM with SAP ERP integratesinspection specifications inroutings and recipes, allows inspectionsduring production and goodsreceipt inspections for the manufacturingorder to take place, monitorsthe production process using controlcharts, and confirms quality, quantity,and costs.• Sales and distribution. QM with SAPERP manages customer-related masterdata, controls the sales and distributionprocess according to qualitycriteria, and handles inspection certificatesand inspections at goodsissue.ProcurementVendor evaluationMaterials management provides informationfor the purchasing agent abouta vendor’s delivery reliability, pricerecord, and service record. QM withSAP ERP provides the purchasingagent with information about qualitymanagement used by the vendor andthe quality of previously deliveredgoods. To do this, SAP ERP summarizesquality scores from vendor audits,goods receipt inspections, and complaintsagainst the vendor.Vendor releaseIn some industry sectors, vendorsmust have a quality management systemin their company. Such a systemmight, for example, be required to becompliant with the ISO 9000 series ofstandards. Such vendors must havethis system certified by an accreditedorganization. Your SAP ERP applicationchecks if the quality management systemused by the vendor is adequate forcertain materials and then either releasesor blocks the supply relationshipaccordingly.You can limit the release of this supplyrelationship to a specific time frameand a maximum delivery quantity. If thevendor has serious quality problems,you can block requests for quotations,purchase orders, or goods receipts forspecific materials supplied by thisvendor.QM with SAP ERP also monitors thestep-by-step release of a material.Vendor deliveries must sequentiallypass through a series of customerdefinedstatuses, such as model,preliminary series, and productionseries, using appropriately assignedinspection plans.In many industry sectors, suppliersare intermediaries (distributors), whichmeans that the quality of producedgoods is dictated primarily by themanufacturer rather than the vendor.Consequently, you can apply thefollowing functions to a manufacturer:vendor release, inspection planning,dynamic modification of the inspectionscope, and complaints against thevendor.Quality assurance agreement,technical delivery terms, andcertificate requirementWhen the purchasing agent requests aquotation and issues a purchase order,vendors that are released receive informationautomatically about the technicaldelivery terms and the currentquality assurance agreement. Vendorsmay also be required to include a qualitycertificate with the delivery.Source inspectionOccasionally, inspections can be performedat the vendor’s premises toreplace a goods receipt inspection.If this occurs, the software takes thetarget delivery deadline into accountand creates an inspection lot in timefor the source inspection. You can nowperform a source inspection at thevendor’s site, because it is possiblefor you to access SAP ERP usingSAP NetWeaver Portal. This is possibleeven if the vendor does not useSAP ERP.Goods receipt certificateIf you have identified that a materialrequires a certificate, the receipt ofthis certificate must be confirmed.SAP ERP takes appropriate action ifthe certificate is missing (for example,posting the goods to blocked stock).SAP ERP supports the managementof the certificate receipt process andsends reminders if necessary (seeFigure 3). You can manually create thecertificate and store it in the opticalarchive (SAP ArchiveLink), or you cansend it in electronic form. Certificatedata can be transferred directly to thegoods receipt inspection lot using electronicquality data interchange.Dynamic modificationIf the quality of a supply relationship isconsistently high, you may want towaive the goods receipt inspection,particularly if the vendor has a certifiedQM system. For partial lots, you canset the software to inspect a goodsreceipt only once for each purchaseorder, goods receipt, or batch. If youdo not want to waive the goods receiptinspection completely, you can reducethe scope of the inspection as far asthe quality level allows. The reductionof the inspection scope may lead to askip lot. If you allow a skip lot and anautomatic usage decision for a material,the software processes skipped lotswithout intervention. It then immediatelyposts the inspection lot quantity tounrestricted-use stock (ship to stock).

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