
Monday, March 10, 2014 cloudy

This morning, there is a colleague have worked for seven years in my company apply for resignation, which make me surprised. He had worked as director with high salary in our department, I really don’t understand what reasons make him select to resign. This issue makes me reflect on my purpose again in my life.
Life is beautiful, but time flies and many people, including me, have lived a life full of stress and goal that make us feel tired. However, if we don’t make our efforts to reach our goals, the life without trouble and difficult is meaningless.It is very tired if one people desires much most of time in his life, maybe all of us should be thankful for that we already have, which is the key to keep balance between our life and work.
As one as i am concerned, everybody should try to know and understand themselves and what they real like. I just know what I need to do now, perhaps the colleague asking for resignation have considered more about his future.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-03-10 20:11
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