
[翻译] SAP 质量管理 ---SAP 质量管理 (3.1)

SAP 质量管理


使用SAP QM使企业能够高效的管理质量,区分业务和建立卓越的声誉。相反,管理不善或者忽视质量问题将负面影响一个公司的品牌、产品以及损害成本控制。最好的答案是沿着整个供应链将综合的全面质量管理方法实施到位,整个企业的审核管理、质量工程、质量保证和控制及持续的质量改善是它的全部方面。使用SAP QM,组织能够更容易得符合工业标准和法律法规,增强顾客满意度和提高竞争力。



SAP ERP 支持和确保整个供应链一贯的高品质。公司可以持续的符合工业标准。因为实施了整个产品质量和客户服务管理,客户满意度上升。

因为项目管理和质量管理功能集成到SAP ERP Corporate Service解决方案,你能够在公司里运行6 sigma项目以进一步加强质量、改善过程和降低成本。

SAP QM支持关注缺陷预防、通过协作的持续的过程改善以及持久的质量控制的关键业务活动。综合的质量管理功能支持:

l 质量工程l 质量保证和控制

l 质量改善

l 审核管理SAP QM给提供内部和外部的支持。它提供在设计和开发阶段(设计阶段)从产品到过程设计的完全支持;贯穿采购、生产、销售和发运(实施阶段);服务和使用(使用阶段),如图2所示:计划阶段QM支持计划阶段的质量管理过程。它包含以下的特征和功能:


闭环检验计划意思是对于物料接收检验和产品过程检验的集成的检验计划,它开始于新产品开发过程刚刚启动时。国际标准ISO/TS 16949要求产品先期质量策划(APQP)过程,这是汽车行业供应商和其他离散制造业不可缺少的过程。

SAP ERP提供工具支持这些过程;其中一个工具是失效模式分析(FMEA)和另外一个工具控制计划(Control Plan)。










集中的工程更改管理协调你对主数据做的修改。你可以执行如通过审批流程的更改(如:根据GMP要求)。你可以生成不同版本和使用工作流 进行发布。当生成一个修改时,你也可以分派一个指定的生效日期在特定的修订等级上。


利用整合的分类功能,你可以指定和分派在SAP ERP里可用的数据(如物料,文档,检验计划),以便以后能够定位这些根据特定规则(如批特征)的数据。



作为业务过程,稳定性研究完全整合在SAP ERP里,使用下面的功能:

l 质量管理:质量通知、质量计划、检验批处理

l 资产生命周期管理:维护规划和日程安排

l 物料管理:物料主数据,批次管理,以及物料清单








采用质量关键指标,SAP NetWeaver BI提供了广泛的可能去监控你的质量过程。


使用集成的审核管理工具,你可以计划和处理审核、评级审核对象,监视基于审核发现的纠正和预防措施,归档和分析审核数据。审核管理,作为SAP NetWeaver的一部分也是SAP ERP的一部分,支持所有基于预先定义的规则(审核、检查、检验、评审、考试)的评价,和能够随后用来这些对象做出评价。


l 质量管理(体系审核、过程审核、产品审核)和GMP

l 环境与卫生管理

l 安全和保安管理(设施安全、消防安全、数据保护)

6 sigma

在你的公司适当的拥有SAP ERP和SAP商业套件允许你实施6 sigma 行动方案。SAP ERP支持大多数对6 sigma必不可少的要素,如定义结构化的问题解决路线图如DMAIC(定义,测量、分析、改善、控制);使用合作项目(CProjects)应用程序建立清晰的任务和负责人;估计风险和成本;关联到相关的文档、通知、检验和审核;测定能力和绩效指标,例如,从统计过程控制(SPC)监视控制图和Cpk值;失效模式及影响分析。

为了总体分析目标,过程数据可以从源头提取并转移到SAP NetWeaver BI和执行信息系统。SAP NetWeaver BI和执行信息系统提供所有需要的计算关键绩效指标(KPIs)的功能,供给评分积分卡和其他评价技术。


在产品开发阶段,如果你和客户或者合作伙伴一起工作,QM使用质量通知提供你机会去初步了解产品概念或者更改产品 客户的抱怨可以通过网络输入,这些可以用于确定产品的质量。如果供应商不能严格的坚持客户标准,他们可以为偏离规范请求许可。

在SAP ERP里对于此场景的企业服务业也同样采用生成和维护质量通知。





对此场景,在SAP ERP里企业服务也同样可以用于触发和记录检验结果。QUALITY MANAGEMENT WITH SAP ERPQuality management with SAP ERPtightens control and contains costs.Under current market conditions, manyorganizations follow a twofold strategy:strive for continued growth and innovationthrough competitive differentiationand increase efficiency to meet theenormous pressure to cut costs. In theend, you must be excellent in both tomeet stakeholder expectations andachieve financial success. You mustreduce costs wherever possible, butavoid risks that might lead to unexpected– and unbudgeted – expenditures.QM with SAP ERP enables enterprisesto manage quality in a highly efficientway, differentiate their business, andestablish a reputation of excellence.Conversely, mismanaging or ignoringquality issues negatively impacts acompany’s brand and products andimpairs cost control. The best answeris to put in place a comprehensiveapproach to total quality managementalong the entire supply chain.Enterprise-wide audit management,quality engineering, quality assuranceand control, and continuous qualityimprovement are all aspects of it. Byusing QM with SAP ERP, organizationscan comply with industry standardsand legal requirements more easily,increase customer satisfaction, andimprove competitiveness.Take a Closed-Loop Approach toTotal Quality ManagementThere is more to quality managementthan performing quality inspectionsevery now and then. Companies wantto focus on prevention of deficiencies,continuous process improvementthrough collaboration, and sustainablequality control. You need to reactimmediately to unplanned qualityrelatedevents, involve all affectedparties, and start follow-up actionsto solve or control an issue.SAP ERP supports and ensures consistentlyhigh quality throughout thesupply chain. Companies can complycontinuously with legal requirementsand industry standards. Customersatisfaction goes up, as does overallproduct quality and customer servicemanagement.Because project management andquality management functions are integratedwith the SAP ERP CorporateServices solution, you can run SixSigma projects to further enhancequality, improve processes, and reducecosts within your company.QM with SAP ERP supports keybusiness activities with a focus onprevention of deficiencies, continuousprocess improvement through collaboration,and sustained quality control.Comprehensive quality managementfunctionality supports:• Quality engineering• Quality assurance and control• Quality improvement• Audit managementQM with SAP ERP supports you bothinternally and externally. It providescomplete support, from product andprocess planning in research and development(the planning phase); throughprocurement, production, and salesand distribution (the implementationphase); to service and usage (theusage phase), as shown in Figure 2.The Planning PhaseQM with SAP ERP supports theprocess of quality management inthe planning phase. It comprises thefollowing features and functions:Closed-loop inspection planningClosed-loop inspection planning meansintegrated inspection planning forgoods receipt inspections and forinspections during production, and itstarts at the very beginning of theproduct development process for anew product. The international standardISO/TS16949 requires an advancedproduct quality planning (APQP)process, a must for each supplierin the automotive and other discreteindustries.SAP ERP provides tools for supportingthis process; one is a tool for a failuremode and effects analysis (FMEA) andthe other is the control plan.You can use the FMEA tool to performa risk analysis for a distinct object(material or operation) to identify possibledefects of a process or a product.By applying the given tools, you candetect possible risks and eliminatethem by defining preventive actionsat an early stage.With the control plan, you can plan andvisualize all relevant inspections for afinal product and all its components.The control plan connects all informationfrom the related objects and is abasis for detailed inspection planningfor each step (in-process control,goods-receipt inspections, and so on).Document managementAn important tool in SAP ERP is documentmanagement. You can use documentmanagement software to createlinks between inspection outlines,design drawings, technical deliveryterms, specifications, product specifications,inspection methods, and otherquality-relevant documentation andthe corresponding master data. Youcan manage data according to validity,version, and status.Master data managementDuring the implementation phase ofyour project, you specify productrelatedsettings that are required forcontrolling quality-related processes inthe material master record in the qualitymanagement view of master data. Forthe management of quality informationrelated to materials, vendors, and customers,and for the control of vendorand customer-related processes, youcan maintain appropriate quality informationrecords. You can, for example,assign quality assurance agreementsand perform model processing.In material-related inspection plans, youcan define either customer- or vendorspecificinspection specifications andmultiple specifications related to furtherobjects. When you are performing aninspection during production, theseelements are integrated into the routingor recipe.You can make changes to the masterdata centrally, and you can transfer thedata from one source system to oneor more target systems. In addition,there are tools available for researchand analysis of master data linked ina hierarchy, such as where-used listsand the product structure browser.Engineering change managementCentral engineering change managementcoordinates the changes youmake to master data. You can run suchchanges through an approval procedure(for example, according to GMPrequirements). You can create differentversions and then distribute them usingworkflow. You can also allocate a revisionlevel with regard to a specific validfromdate when a change is made.ClassificationUsing the integrated classification function,you can specify and assign datathat is available in SAP ERP (such asmaterials, documents, and inspectionplans), in order to be able to locate thisdata later according to specific searchcriteria (such as batch characteristics).Stability studyStability studies or shelf-life studies areconducted to track and examine howdifferent environmental conditions (forexample, temperature, light, or moisture)affect a compound, a material, ora batch over a specified period of time.Using features and functions in SAPERP, you create physical samples ofthe material or batch and store themunder controlled conditions for theduration of the study. At specifiedintervals during the study, you removethese physical samples or parts ofthese samples from the various conditionsand test them according topredefined inspection plans. You canthen use the results of these tests,which have accumulated over thecourse of the study, for example, tocheck and confirm whether the desiredor guaranteed life expectancy of theproduct conforms to the predefinedrecommendations for storage.As a business process, the stabilitystudy is fully integrated in SAP ERP,using functions from the followingareas:• Quality management: quality notifications,quality planning, and inspectionlot processing• Asset life-cycle management: maintenanceplanning and scheduling• Materials management: materialmaster, batch management, and billsof materialsAuthorization managementA central administration function isresponsible for data security andprotection. You can assign individualauthorizations for the processing ofmaster data and movement data. Thisenables you, for example, to set upemployees so that they have to providea digital signature when performing certainoperations.Business workflowYou can use business workflow to controlcertain complex processes and theoutput associated with these processes.For example, corrective tasks withina problem notification can be transferredautomatically to the organizationalunit responsible.Quality costsYou can enter, collect, and bill costsrelated to the prevention of defects,inspections, and nonconformity todifferent account-assignment objectsusing orders in controlling.Key figure analysisWith its quality key figures, SAPNetWeaver BI offers a wide range ofpossibilities for monitoring and controllingyour quality processes.Audit managementWith integrated audit managementtools you can plan and process audits,grade audit objects, monitor correctiveand preventive actions that are basedon the findings, and document and analyzeaudit data. Audit management, aspart of SAP NetWeaver and thus alsopart of SAP ERP, supports all appraisalsbased on predefined criteria (audits,checks, inspections, reviews, andexaminations) and can subsequentlybe used to valuate the object.The audit management functionalityis very versatile and can be used forvarious application areas. Examplesof audit usages are:• Quality management (system audit,process audit, or product audit) andGMP• Environment and hygienemanagement• Safety and security management(facility safety, fire safety, or dataprotection)Six SigmaHaving SAP ERP and SAP BusinessSuite in place in your company allowsyou to implement your Six Sigmainitiative. SAP ERP supports most ofthe elements that are essential for SixSigma, such as the definition of astructured problem-solving road mapsuch as DMAIC (define, measure,analyze, improve, and control); a clearsetup of tasks and responsible personsby using the Collaboration Projects(cProjects) application; the calculationof risks and costs; the linking of relateddocuments, notifications, inspections,and audits; the determination of capabilityand performance indicators, forexample, from statistical process control(SPC) monitoring of control chartsand Cpk index; and a failure mode andeffects analysis.Process data can be extracted fromthe source and transferred into SAPNetWeaver BI and an executive informationsystem for general analysispurposes. SAP NetWeaver BI and theexecutive information system provideall the functions needed for calculatingkey performance indicators (KPIs),feeding balanced scorecards, or otherassessment techniques.Collaborative scenario: qualitynotificationsIn the product development stage, ifyou are working with customers orpartners, QM with SAP ERP offers youthe opportunity to initiate product ideasor changes to products using qualitynotifications. Customer complaints,which can be entered on the Internet,can be used to determine product quality.Vendors can ask for permission todeviate from specifications if theycannot adhere strictly to customerspecifications.For this scenario enterprise servicesare also available to create and maintainnotifications in SAP ERP.Collaborative scenario: qualitycertificatesWorking with your customers or vendors,you use certificate profiles toplan exactly which characteristics areto appear on the certificate. This certificatedata can be exchanged electronicallyusing quality data interchange(QDI), or it can be stored on the Internet.For example, you can store it asa PDF document.Collaborative scenario: resultsrecordingYou can record inspection results usingthe Internet or intranet. Results can berecorded by external service providers(for example, commercial analysts) andinternal inspectors (for example, in asource inspection) in their respectivework centers.For this scenario enterprise servicesare also available to trigger and recordinspection results in SAP ERP.

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