
Saturday, March 15, 2014 cloudy

Today is cloudy, I don’t want to go shopping and playing with friends as usual. When I read news and searched for some information online, there are many beautiful pictures on the forum that were taken by the people who traveled outside, which made me strongly desired to have a trip in these days.
The beautiful flowers and green leaves in the pictures those occurred me that spring is coming. Perhaps the weather is a little cold and I am so busy recently that I have pay no attention for that, which made me have an illusion about the season.
I am the kind of person who has many thoughts in heart but don’t take initiative to share with others. Sometimes that makes me feel hard. Therefore, it is very necessary for me to have a trip in the part time although the work is very busy. Have a trip is a wonderful way to relax myself and reduce the stress in my lives.
I hope the weather will be sunny tomorrow, then I am going on a trip, just taking a knapsack, a camera and myself.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-03-15 17:42
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