
New week is beginning.

I say it is a new week. Because the boss will be back. In fact he is not our boss since he left for HK.
Anyway basic on politeness, I call him boss
It is said the new boss will come in this week. Headquarter will arrange someboday to charge here. The details are unclear.
In fact, the branch problem is its business and its market. The point is how to enlarge the business market.Who will be qualified the position. I am not sure who can do it well. Three managers left, including this boss. Can next one change anything? I have no ideal. I guess the Headquarter maybe think so as well.
So far we don't get any information about the new candidate. All of it is guessing.It is funny.
This week the sales department will have a meeting. They will talk about this year sale result and next year plan. In fact every month they may call meeting. So the meeting is not a big expectation.
Anyway the answer will be released in the week. New boss will come. It is a little of hope.Though it is a little, it is still a kind of expectation.After all, Headquarter has come to the point.

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Today I do some preparation for tomorrow.So next day I believe  I will be qualified better than today.Never stop study and make progress little by little.   本人代售Terminals & Housings 专业连接器;<br />如果你有小量的需求,用于测试治具或者小订单需求时,<br />



  • 发布时间: 2008-11-24 10:07
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