Consensus-seeking tendency in groups寻求团体共识
Consensus-seeking tendency in groups. Explanation of Groupthink of Irving Janis. ('72)
寻求团体共识。Irving Janis的Groupthink[团体迷思]详解。(‘72) - 中文
Irving Janis developed a study on group decision-making, called Groupthink Theory. It is based on human social behavior, in which maintaining group cohesiveness and solidarity is regarded more important than considering the facts in a realistic manner. Janis gave the following definition of Groupthink:
团体迷思,是美国心理学家Irving Janis根据其所从事的团体决策研究发展起来的一项理论,它的理论基础是现实的人类社会行为,根据Janis的研究,人们团体决策过程中,往往会为了维护团体的和谐和凝聚力,而弃事实真相于不顾。Janis为团体迷思做了如下定义:
什么是团体迷思? 释义
A mode of thinking of people when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group. When the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.
Groupthink is a result of cohesiveness in groups, already discussed by Lewin in the 1930s and is an important factor to consider in decision processes, such as workshops, meetings, conferences, committees, etc.
 The group is highly cohesive.
 团体有很强的凝聚力。
 The group is isolated from contrary opinions.
 团体排斥孤立不同意见。
 The group is ruled by a directive leader, who makes his or her wishes known.
 团体由命令式领导人所领导。
- The group limits its discussion to only a few alternatives.
- 团体讨论局限于有限的几个方案。
- The solution initially favored by most members is never restudied to seek out less obvious pitfalls.
- 被大多数团体成员所接受的方案,其负面影响得不到反复深入研究。
- The group fails to reexamine those alternatives originally disfavored by the majority.
- 团体轻易放弃那些不被大多数成员所接受的选择方案。
- Expert opinion is not sought.
- 团体讨论中听不到专家的意见、声音。
- The group is highly selective in gathering and attending to available information.
- 团体只专著于收集、选择那些可以获得到的信息。
- The group is so confident in its ideas that it does not consider contingency plans.
- 团体迷信于既定决策,不考虑发生意外时的替代方案。
- Appoint a devil's advocate.
- 在团体里安排一个故意唱反调的角色。
- Encourage everyone to be a critical evaluator.
- 鼓励每一位团体成员都要做评论家。
- The leader should not state a preference initially.
- 领导者不应该持有任何倾向、立场。
- Set up independent groups.
- 设立独立讨论团队。
- Divide into subgroups.
- 将讨论团队在细分为讨论小组。
- Discuss what is happening with others outside the group.
- 与团体之外的人士交流意见。
- Invite others into the group to bring fresh ideas.
- 邀请团体之外的专家参与团体讨论,为讨论引入源头活水。
- Collect anonymous reactions. Via a suggestion box or an online forum. See: Delphi Method
- 征集匿名反馈意见和建议,既可以用传统的意见箱,也可以采用网络论坛。参见:Delphi Method[德尔菲法]
Janis listed eight symptoms that show that concurrence seeking has led the group in the wrong direction. The first two stem from overconfidence in the group's powers. The next pair reflect the tunnel vision members use to view the problem. The final four are signs of strong conformity pressure within the group.
- Illusion of Invulnerability: Janis summarizes this attitude as "everything is going to be OK, because we are a special group." Examining few alternatives.
- 产生无懈可击的错觉:Janis用一句话总结了这一态度,“什么都是对的,我们是与众不同的团队”。缺少对选择方案的审查。
- Belief in Inherent Morality of the Group: under the sway of Groupthink, members automatically assume the rightness of their target. Compare: Seven Signs Of Ethical Collapse
- 对群体道德深信不疑:在群体迷思支配下,团体成员想当然地相信群体决策的正义性。比较:Seven Signs Of Ethical Collapse[伦理的崩溃七个标志]
- Collective Rationalization: a collective mindset of being rational. Being highly selective in gathering information.
- 集体合理化:通过集体意志将团体做出的决策合理化,忽视外来挑战,在收集信息时暴露出高度的选择性。
- Out-group Stereotypes
- 党同伐异的成见。
- Self-Censorship: people only offer equivocal or tempered opinions. People are not looking for expert opinions, or for outside opinions. Pressure to conform within group; members withhold criticisms.
- 缺少自我审查:团体成员即便对讨论、决策有疑虑时,也只会提供模棱两可的观点,不会想到去征求专家意见,或与外部人士交流,团体压力使人们趋于高度一致,没有批评性意见。
- Illusion of Unanimity. Individual group members look to each other to confirm theories.
- 产生团体一致的错觉。团体成员的意见看起来互为一致,并由此造成团体和谐统一的错觉。
- Direct Pressure on Dissenters. Pressure to protect group from negative views or information.
- 直接打压不同意见者。用压力保护团体,将不同观点、负面信息拒之于门外。
- Self-Appointed Mindguards: these "mindguards" protect a leader from assault by troublesome ideas.
- 自命的卫道士:这些团体里的卫道士会运用各种方法,自觉保护团体领导免遭异见骚扰。