
Thursday, April 10, 2014 sunny

I haven’t written a diary for some time because I asked for leave to go home.
For this reason, my work has piled up during my absence, which leads to much problems needing I solve as fast as can.
Today, what impressed me most is the APQP meeting organized by my department manager. As we know, there are many elements in the APQP procedure, Only we need to be input all the elements, can the project get into the next phase. However, the reality is that there are many engineers to pay no attention to the APQP check list, they just prefer to make the project go as fast as it need. I know sometimes we need to open our mind and be flexible to deal with emergency in our work, but in the long run, it is not the good way to maintain a high quality of our product.
Having difficulty in our work gives us unique lessons .Be grateful for the good that came from now and past.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-04-10 19:00
  • 浏览: 2201
  • 评论: 2
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