
May 20,2014 Tuesday rainy topic about the time that cannot come back

I saw a couple of old photo at sister’s Qzone in the morning. I don’t remember when took the pictures maybe ten years ago. There are some pictures of family to travel. My mother-in-law and my father are in the picture. My brother took a little boy. I am not sure is my old son or my nephew, the pictures are remake of blurred. These see warm and sweet. M dad died for esophageal cancer six years ago. I have been very sad, I miss my father. If my father was alive all things will different. My brother didn’t divorce. My mum isn’t alone. But life has not assumption, time that cannot come back.

Today is 520, the figure means I love you. I wish all shall be well.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-05-20 10:36
  • 浏览: 1924
  • 评论: 10
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