
May 26, Monday, Sunny

May 26, Monday, Sunny

In today’s diary, I want to record the following two events.

One is that in this morning I received a dinner invitation for tonight from one of colleagues. He works in production department and is going to quit his job. The purpose of this dinner is to show his appreciation for our support and cooperation during the past three years. He decided to resign, because he is going to start his own business. Running his own business has been in his dream for many years. Other than being his own boss, he will also have more time to spend at home with his children. We bid him farewell and wish him the best luck.

The other memorable event is that I just received a summary report from XX department. Last week, SGS Company audited our quality management system. Briefly, auditors didn’t find anything nonconforming in my department.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-05-26 23:48
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