
July 8, 2014 Sunny and hot Tuesday

Xing is my old sister’s son, he is from my hometown to came to SHENZHEN last weekend. My old sister wanted me to buy some clothes for him. When ex-sister-in-law left, my little nephew lives with my old sister. I bought a set of clothes for nephew incidentally. Today my little nephew send a voice on QQ for thank me. I heard he was very happy. In the past I often buy some gift to him on especial days, but I didn’t hear he say thanks to me. I am sentimental and I know he must miss him mother very much. I feel he is very poor. His mother left didn’t say any words.

People didn’t choose his parents, however parents made a choice to bring he or she come to this world. So when kid not to age of 18, parents have responsibility to feed、educate and take care he or she. kids shouldn’t be surfer Adult’s mistake.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-07-08 23:21
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