
July 11, 2014 Friday on birthday

Yesterday it was my birthday. It was a normal day. Got work and off work. No one call me to say happy birthday except my best girl friend Peng. Because her son’s birthday and I are on the same day so she can remember. I thought to invite Ivy to go out eat. But I found I forgot to take money. So got off work I ate some fruits while I watched an American TV show which name is the one hundred.

When almost 11 PM. my husband called me and asked “are you unhappy? Why didn’t call me all day?” I didn’t want to say any words. It is my birthday but my husband and son were not greeting to me. It likes nobody care me .I feel alone and depressed. My husband and I are weekly couple. On Wednesday I asked him “need me to go home tomorrow?” he said “No, we are busy too” last weekend he called me said he will give me a surprise and Let me guess. At the end I know the gift is a durian. He said it is my favorite fruit. I am both funny and annoying. My habit is eating fruit at dinner. All fruit I like too.

Maybe I am sensitive. I decide cool a few days to him.

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  • 发布时间: 2014-07-11 11:22
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