
gone but not forgotten

Sometimes, I lie awake at night crying, thinking why did you have to go so soon? It seems everything we worked for is just lost. I still miss you . Nothing will ever change that. It’s hard imagining my life without you now. But everyday it is a reality. You were my center, my balance. When all I knew was darkness, you brought me into the light. I want to come see you but don’t know if I can take the pain. I still remember what you look like, but It’s been so long since we have talked. I just wish you were here to guide me. This new journey I am is far to unfamiliar. I am scared, and no one seems to understand. Every time I try to forget you, something sparks a memory and you pop back in my head. It’s hard not to think about you when I just wish I could hold you. But here we are. Two different places now. I just wish I were there with you, but I continue on without you. Wondering what could have been. I just hope that someday we can be together. I love you! Happy anniversary! Dedicated to those I have lost

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  • 发布时间: 2014-08-18 11:59
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