

overview of the key changes of new IATF rules for ISO/TS16949 certification


1, site extension 延伸场所

² Clients with an existing manufacturing site extensionwill need to transition this site extension to a single site. The certificationaudits for these sites must be performed between 01. April 2014 and 1. April2015. (effected customers will be informed separately.)


2, Audit planning and audit plan 审核策划和审核计划

² The minimum audit time in manufacturing shall be aminimum of one-third of the total audit days.


² The required client information for audit planning(documents to be delivered to the auditor) we specified more exactly andextended. (your auditor will inform you about the required information)


² Eachaudit plan shall: identify a minimum of one (1) hour on site, prior to theopening meeting, for verification of changes to current customer and internalperformance data, including a review of current online customer reports and/orcustomer scorecards. The audit team shall adjust the audit plan based upon anynew information collected, if required. This one (1) hour is in addition to thespecified audit days and is not entered into the IATF database,.

每份审核计划必须:在首次会议之前, 至少安排一个小时,用来检查当前客户和内部绩效数据有无变化,包括评审当前在线的顾客报告和/或顾客记分卡。审核组应基于新收集的信息调整审核计划。这一个小时额外于审核人日,不录入IATF数据库

² manufacturing shall be audited on all shifts where itoccurs, including an appropriate sample of the shift changeover. During thestage 2, recertification, and transfer audits, all manufacturing processesshall be audited on each shift. Sampling of shifts or processes is not allowed.At the subsequent surveillance audit cycle, all manufacturing processes shallbe audited on each shift,


3, audit terminate 审核终止

² If a stage 2 audit is terminated, the client shallstart over with a stage 1 readiness review,


² If a surveillance audit is terminated, thecertificate shall be suspended and a full repeat surveillance audit shall beconducted within ninety (90) calendar days of the closing meeting,


² If a recertification audit is terminated, the clientshall have another recertification audit in accordance with section 5.1.1 Ifthe timing is exceeded, the client shall start over with an initialcertification audit

² If a transfer audit is terminated, the client shallstart over with an initial certification audit


4, corrective actions 纠正措施

² The certification body shall require the client tosubmit, within a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days from the closing meetingof the site audit, evidence of the following:

Ø a)implemented correction,

Ø b) root cause including methodology used, analysis,and results,

Ø c) implemented systemic corrective actions toeliminate each nonconformity, including consideration of the impact to other similarprocesses and products,

Ø d) verification of effectiveness of implementedcorrective actions.

² 认证机构应要求客户在现场审核末次会议后最多60个日历日内提交如下内容的证据:

Ø a)已实施的纠正;

Ø b)根本原因,包括所使用的方法、分析和结果;

Ø C)已实施的用于消除不符合的纠正措施,包括对其他类似过程和产品影响的考虑;

Ø d)已实施的纠正措施有效性验证。

² In exceptional case(s) where the implementation ofcorrective actions cannot be completed within a maximum of ninety (90) calendardays from the closing meeting of the site audit, the certification body shallconsider the nonconformity open but 100% resolved.

在纠正措施无法在现场审核末次会议后最多90个日历日内实施完成的特殊情况下,如果满足一下条件,认证机构应考虑不符合保持开启, 但100%解决。

Ø In such a case an onsite follow-up audit based on theaccepted action plan shall be scheduled prior to the next audit.

在这种情况下, 必须在下一次审核之前,基于可接受的纠正措施计划, 安排一次现场跟踪审核。

² A major nonconformity shall require onsiteverification of the corrective action. The onsite verification shall becompleted within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closingmeeting of the site audit..



² The content of the certificate shall include only alldesign and manufacturing activities.


² Remotelocations: The functions shall matchthe list identified in the IATF database,


² Client logos are not permitted on the certificate.


² Existing certificates bearing the client logos, CBmembership logos, site extensions, or with support functions names that do notmatch the IATF Db list have to be updated between 1 April 2014 – 1 April 2015.The changed certificates will be submitted by DEKRA to their clients.

² 现有证书上的客户标志,CB成员标识,生产延伸场所,以及支持职能与IATF数据库不一致的都应该在2014.04.01-2015.04.01之间进行更新。变更后的证书将由DEKRA提交给客户。

6,Special audit特殊审核

² It may become necessary for the certification body toconduct audits of certified clients to investigate performance complaints, inresponse to changes to the client's quality management system, significantchanges at the client’s site or as a result of a suspended certificate.


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